Kabupaten Indramayu memiliki luas wilayah 2.099,42 km2 yang terdiri dari 31 kecamatan dimana 11 diantaranya mempunyai wilayah pesisir,  salah satunya adalah Kecamatan Juntinyuat dengan panjang  garis pantai  mencapai 7,3 km.  Pesisir Juntinyuat merupakan wilayah yang intensif bagi masyarakat. Selain menjadi tujuan wisata pantai,  daerah pesisir difungsikan menjadi  pemukiman, pertanian, pertambakan, Industri dan aktivitas nelayan. Intensitas penggunaan wilayah pesisir yang tinggi ditambah banyaknya jumlah TPI yang mudah dijangkau menjadikan Perairan Juntinyuat sangat aktif. O…

This research is motivated by the existence of an Application for Divorce Claims in Bogor Religious Court ruling as an Applicant filing for Claims Divorce and Child Custody. The Plaintiff as a mother filed a lawsuit to the Bogor Religious Court so that Child Custody fell on the Plaintiff. But the Defendant as the father is suing back, that the child custody holder is his father because his mother does not reflect as a good mother. Then the Board of Judges of the Bogor Religious Court rejected the Plaintiff's claim and granted the Defendant's claim to establish custody of the child at the Defen…

ABSTRACTObligatory giving by a prospective bridegroom to a prospective bride in a marriage is only a dowry, as explained in Article 30 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. Whereas in traditional marriages in Nagari Situjuah Gadang Situjuah District Limo Nagari Lima Puluh Regency in West Sumatra Province, a man who is going to get married is not required to give dowry only but is also required to give sasuduik money. Sasuduik money is a gift that is required to be a man who will get married by giving the amount of money desired by his future wife and family. If the sasuduik money cannot be fulfil…

Ideally, a married couple lives together to carry out their respective duties and obligations. However, because the demands of work cause some of them must be far apart and live the life of Long Distance Relationship (LDR) as happened in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. The problem that arises is how the pattern of fulfilling the rights and obligations of husband and wife in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. How to communicate on LDR and how to overcome the difficulties that arise between the two. Through research using descriptive analysis method, the results of t…

The judiciary is organized into two levels, the first level of justice is Religious Court/Syar'iyah Court,  and the court of appeal is the Religious High Court/Provincial Syar'iyah Court. These two trials are referred to as judex facti. The judex facti function is carried out through several stages, is: formulating facts, looking for cause and effect relationships and figuring out probabilities. So, the background of this research is related to the application of judex facti in Aceh Syar'iyah Court. Based on the analysis of the data carried out, it is concluded that the Judex Facti of the A…

ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the existence of an Application for Divorce Claims in Bogor Religious Court ruling as an Applicant filing for Claims Divorce and Child Custody. The Plaintiff as a mother filed a lawsuit to the Bogor Religious Court so that Child Custody fell on the Plaintiff. But the Defendant as the father is suing back, that the child custody holder is his father because his mother does not reflect as a good mother. Then the Board of Judges of the Bogor Religious Court rejected the Plaintiff's claim and granted the Defendant's claim to establish custody of the child …

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh persoalan mengenai sebuah program yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah berupa Sistem Informasi Manajemen Nikah atau Simkah yang sudah mulai diterapkan diberbagai Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA)  di Jawa Barat, khususnya di KUA Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang. Simkah merupakan sebuah program kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah agar diterapkan pada KUA Kecamatan yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan dalam penyajian data di KUA itu sendiri. Aplikasi Simkah ini sendiri dapat membantu dalam memudahkan proses pelayanan terhadap masyarakat, hal tersebut t…

Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage explains that marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy family (household) based on the divinity of the Almighty. However, it was found several decisions of the Garut Religious Court which showed the age of marriage which lasted a short period of time. This study aims to determine the factors causing divorce at the age of 3 years of marriage from a young couple in the Garut Religious Court, to find out the legal reasons for judges for divorce at the age of 3 years of marriage from a yo…

Isbat nikah is one of the products of the Religious Court in the form of the determination of the marriage of a husband and wife that has been carried out in accordance with Islamic provisions. However, in the Cianjur Religious Court there are special rules regarding circuit courts in marital isbat cases, namely the year of marriage for the maximum marriage isbat in 2010, above 2010 must be registered at the Cianjur Religious Court office. This study departs from a rule that has been enacted but there are no additional rules regarding the time limit of marriage in marriage isbat cases in a cir…

The purpose of this study was to explore severe persecution as the reason the barrier inherits in a compilation of Islamic law section 173 the letter A. the topic of “Severe Persecution” isan interesting topic both academic and general quarters about it can be highlighted in both the book and the legacy. Nextaya persecution heavy is the new form of inherited law Indonesia included in a compilation of Islamic law under section 173 of the lette A the view of cleric 4 of madzhab category of severe persecution is not through research. Using the yuridis normative and yuridis empiris met…

Ideally, a married couple lives together to carry out their respective duties and obligations. However, because the demands of work cause some of them must be far apart and live the life of Long Distance Relationship (LDR) as happened in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. The problem that arises is how the pattern of fulfilling the rights and obligations of husband and wife in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. How to communicate on LDR and how to overcome the difficulties that arise between the two. Through research using descriptive analysis method, the results of t…

This research aims at finding foreigners who may be the subject of Land Use Rights and Lease Rights for the building. The results of the study indicate: 1) Period, BAL-PP 41 of 1996, and the period of 2010 - now, foreigners who can be the subject of land rights are foreigners as the resident of Indonesia; 2) Period, PP 41 of 1996 - in 2010, foreigners who may be the subject of land rights was expanded into foreigners as both a resident of Indonesia and has a residence permit in Indonesia.

Praktek wakaf di masyarakat bagian utara wilayah Jawa Tengah menimbulkan sengketa hukum wakaf. Penelitian menganalisis implementasi Pasal 62 UU No. 41/2004 dalam penyelesaian sengketa wakaf di Jawa Tengah tahun 2016 dan model penyelesaiannya. Jenis penelitian field research dengan sampel penelitian dari wilayah Kabupaten Kendal, Demak dan Kota Semarang. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalahyuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyelesaian sengketa wakaf di daerah Jawa Tengah Bagian Utara menggunakan metode sesuai Pasal 62 UU Wakaf, yakni jalur litigasi dan non litigasi. Para pihak l…

ABSTRACT   Since the passing of reforms in 1998 has brought changes to the constitutional system of centralized to decentralized Indonesia, it means a government authority handed over to autonomous regions, except for the central government affairs. The principle of autonomy emphasizes providing government authority to local governments to regulate and manage their own affairs within the unity state of framework. Follow-up of these reforms have also been carried out by the 1945 Amendment to change the power to make laws that are on the government initially submitted to parliament. National …

Question of free Judicial Power are deemed completed when there is agreement (consensus) of the scientific principle of freedom of the judiciary, which is universal, because it has been accepted through the doctrine and constitution. Scientific consensus on the freedom of judiciary actually don't do discourse or legal discourse is stopped at one point, but in fact it triggers a new discourse that is abuse of the freedom of judicial power. Misuse ofpoweris manifested in the form of arbitrariness on the part of the Supreme Court in the form of creating "new law", which was born out of the office…

A criminal act by corporation is criminal offense that can be asked for criminal liability to the  corporation in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning the corporation. Banks as corporate legal entities can be prosecuted before the law and tried if in carrying out their business activities the bank is suspected of committing a crime that is threatened with criminal sanction, including committing a crime of money laundering or corruption. Corporation  can be punished  to pay fine penalties and other additional penalties such as dissolution or revocation of business licens…

The status of Village has still been outside of the government bureucratic-system. It is still being positioned as a community that regulated by State and given the governmental tasks. The Law Number 6/ 2014 regarding The Village not includes it into the local government system. This research was conducted in Wilalung Village. The aim of it was to evaluate whether or not the Village in practice has been currently relevant with Article 18 B Verse (2) of Constitution 1945. The Data were collected through several ways: field observation, in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and literature …

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna uang pengganti dan kerugian negara dalam tindak pidana korupsi; dan untuk mengetahui penerapan hukum pembayaran uang pengganti sebesar kerugian negara dalam tindak pidana korupsi apakah sudah tepat dan sesuai dengan asas kepastian hukum dan keadilan. Metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Uang pengganti adalah uang yang dibayar terdakwa sebesar harta benda yang “diperoleh atau dinikmatinya” dari tindak pidana korupsi, bukan sebesar kerugian negara yang ditimbulkannya. Penerapan hukum untuk meny…

Build upon this research on "Building Leval Policy Construction on Penal Mediation as Alternative in Criminal Matters Settelement". obtained that practices of penal mediation in society which is popular as "kinship settlement" in certaint criminal cases, such as complaints offences (compalints delict), negligance offences, offences that result with small lost, offences in family relationship, and domestic abused offences. But nowadays, an agreement as result of penal mediation settlement in practices by society does't have binding of law cause of no provision that regulate it. Furthermore, eve…

The existence of the legal regulation no, 42 in 1999 is the first input which is very strategic, since the legal regulation is the product of the reformation or the product of the democrazation which has tried to accommodate comprehensively some aspiration, not only superstructure, infrastructure aspiration (society who need), expertise aspiration but also the global aspiration as it is hoped by the society or the international organization based on the value of the democrazy namely the supremacy of the law. Inthis case, the role of the legal regulation beside as both the mechanism of integrat…