Kurikulum 2013 dalam perkembangannya lebih menekankan pada proses pembelajaran aktif peserta didik (student centered) dan pembelajarannya bersifat kontekstual. Learning Cycle 7E merupakan proses pembelajaran inkuiri dimana peserta didik diberi kesempatan untuk membangung pengetahuannya sendiri melalui pembelajaran langsung. Model Learning Cycle 7E terdapat hubungan dengan upaya untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis pada peserta didik adanya yaitu keterlibatan peserta didik secara aktif. Melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis sangat diperlukan dan penting untuk dikembangkan supaya pese…

Services provided by PDAM "LAND UE" Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una Central Sulawesi Province must provide protection for clean water consumers based on Law Number 8 Year 1999 regarding Consumer Protection (Consumer Protection Law). PDAM "LAND UE" In providing clean water services to consumers is in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act because it has been able to fulfill the consumer rights as mentioned in Article 4 of the Consumer Protection Act. However, the "LAND EU" taps can improve their performance and improve services to the public for maximum leverage and consumers as customers should be…

AbstractEndowment system according to hukumadat in Sub-Province of Bone that is division of inappropriate heritage part of which its is it him accepted, in division of heritage finished upon mutual consensus without passing Justice of local Religion. Pursuant to Section 185 sentence (1), one can heir because replacement of place is one who is replaced by its child should have passed away in advance from heir and also one who is replaced by its child represent heir of andaikata he above the ground. Besides, top-drawer condition is that heir goodness which in fact and also substitution heir have…

Indonesian as the law state to regulate  many aspect in living society, for example in green area. Yuridish based on about this, mentioned in constitutional in statuted Republic of Indonesia 1945 and then to arrange again in statuted number 26, 2007 . Green Opened Area have important existence like to arrangement in statuted number 26,2007 that a green opened area have a minimum portion about 30 percent from city area. Green opened area have important function to city plan because with green opened area we can grow up about a quality environment.Keywords: Green Opened Area, ArrangementIndon…

The dispute over the tax debt begins and the difference of opinion between the taxpayer and the Fiskus. Then the Taxpayer concerned filed his objection. In submitting such dissent and objection must be done by the Taxpayer in writing as a proof of evidence for subsequent verification efforts to the Tax Court by Appeals mechanism or Claim for the outstanding tax bills. Before applying for the Taxpayers appeal must first check the decision and appeal of the appeal requirement and the claim on the outstanding tax invoice.Keywords: Tax Debt Disputes, Tax Court Sengketa utang pajak  berawal d…

Brand is considered has no distinguising features (incapable of becoming distinctive), if the sign is too simple or too complicated. general (generic) or have become public property (public domain) same with a descriptive brand. The brand can not be registered because it has no differentator power or weak differentiator even.Keywords: generic, public domain, descriptive, differentiator, brandMerek dianggap tidak memiliki daya pembeda (incapable of becoming distinctive), apabila tanda tersebut terlalu sederhana ataupun terlalu rumit . bersifat umum (generic) ataupun telah menjadi milik umum (pu…

Amil zalcat institution as zakat managers acting as a bridge between Muzakki with Mustahik in collecting zakat funds, then manage and distribute the zakat funds properly and appropriately targeted to Asnaf recipients of zakat mentioned in Al-Quran. The management of zakat funds professionally conducted by zalcat amil as well as on the mustahiq side guarantees the proper delivery of the mandate, can also help to alleviate the community from the very urgent poverty problem today. Zakat funds used to empower the poor and needy will productively seek the transformation of mustahiq that has been me…

Dalam sebuah negara demokrasi yang sedang berkembang seperti Indonesia, pasti mengalami berbagai masalah untuk menemukan jati diri bangsa. Sekalipun Negara sudah memiliki ideologi yang dinyatakan sejak awal berdirinya suatu negara. Indonesia misalnya telah meletakkan Pancasila sebagai ideologi Negara sekaligus sebagai jati diri bangsa. Sistem politik adalah salah satu masalah yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku korupsi. Khususnya system politik terkait pemilihan kepala daerah atau wakil rakyat.In an emerging democracy such as Indonesia, would experience various problems to find their nati…

According to Section 2 sentence (1) and ( 2) in statued Number 1,1974 connubial that marriage held true [by] if [done/conducted] [by] according to religion and belief [is] and also noted by marker officer marry to publish the act marry the. Marriage without act marry can be happened [by] because various cause one of them is avoid the polygamous conditions in UU No. 1 Year 1974. On the contrary, according to law of islam and Kompilasi punish the Islam ( KHI) [of] a[n marriage fulfilled the foundation and marriage condition ( underhand) considered to be [by] a valid marriage although [is] not no…

The existence of a dissenting opinion in the case investigation of corruption in terms of juridical reference to the Act No. 48 year 2009 on the judicial power. Based on the philosophical the existence of a dissenting opinion in a case of corruption as an extraordinary crime does not eliminate its essence as an extra crime. Application of the dissenting judges that occur analyzed show a dissenting judge believes the defendant is not an act of corruption but the crime of forgery under article 263, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and not the competence of the Corruption Court, Rather Competence…

AbstractMake-Up of ability of Government of Countryside in execution of public administration duty in countryside influenced by many factor. Strive the make-up of ability of government of countryside in execution of countryside public administration duty can be conducted with two way of that is make-up of discipline work aparatur and also conduct  training and education. Keyword : Governmental of Countryside, Duty Administration AbstrakPeningkatan kemampuan Pemerintah Desa dalam pelaksanaan tugas administrasi pemerintahan di desa dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Upaya peningkatan kemam…

Pengaturan mengenai landas kontinen di Indonesia khususnya dalam menentukan batas terluar landas kontinen masih mengacu pada ketentuan Konvensi Jenewa tentang Landas Kontinen tahun 1958, yaitu menggunakan kriteria kedalaman dan kemampuan dalam melakukan eksploitasi. Sementara Indonesia telah meratifikasi Konvensi Hukum Laut 1982, dimana kriteria dalam menentukan batas terluar landas kontinen berdasarkan konvensi ini dinilai lebih menguntungkan bagi negara pantai. Keuntungan yang dimaksud adalah penggunaan kriteria topografi dasar laut dan diperbolehkannya negara pantai mengajukan perpanjangan …

Pencucian uang merupakan jenis tindak pidana baru dalam referensi hukum pidana, keuangan, dan perbankan. Pengaturan terkait tindak pidana pencucian uang di ndonesia telah diatur dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan dan telah beberapa kali mengalami perubahan. Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang merupakan peraturan terbaru. Namun demikian, pada undang-undang ini ditemukan penggunaan pendekatan-pendekatan dan asas-asas dalam hukum pidana yang kurang cocok diterapkan. Selain itu juga terdapat tumpang tindih pemberian wewenang inst…

There has been an anxiety over the rise of the spirit of national interest on the existence of World Trade Organization. This spirit that has been reflected from domestic trade policy, to some extent, has undermined trade negotiation process under the WTO as shown by the failure of the Doha Round to conclude significant trade deals. Countries also started concluding bilateral and regional trade agreements instead of the WTO. This article aimed to analyze whether the rise of the spirit of national interest has threaten the existence of the WTO agreements, putting Indonesia as a case study. This…

AbstrakHubungan antara kewenangan pusat dengan daerah di Indonesia mengalami pasang surut sesuai rezim penyelenggaraan negara. Sejak reformasi, telah terdapat beberapa kali perubahan format otonomi daerah. Dalam Pasal 18 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 sebagai landasan konstitusi dan dasar instrumen pemerintahan daerah dalam pelaksanaannya selalu tidak konsisten mengenai dekonsentrasi, desentralisasi, dan medebewind. Setelah dilakukan penelaahan terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dapat diketahui beberapa pokok dalam undang-undang tersebut.…

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) adalah seorang filosof dan ahli hukum Inggris yang dijuluki sebagai ?Luther of the Legal World? (Luther dalam dunia hukum). Julukan ini meminjam ketokohan teolog Martin Luther yang melakukan reformasi terhadap doktrin-doktrin tertentu dalam ajaran Katolik. Bentham dianggap sebagai figur yang melakukan reformasi sistem hukum Inggris pada abad ke-18 yang dianggap ketinggalan zaman, dan bahkan cenderung korup. Bentham memberikan kritik tajam sekaligus tawaran reformasi terhadap sistem hukum Inggris. Utilitarianisme adalah tawaran Bentham untuk mendesain ulang sistem huk…

AbstrakFraming, meta tags, dan deep linking semakin marak terjadi dalam berbagai transaksi elektronik, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan dan penggunaan merek dalam aktivitas di internet. Hal ini menimbulkan berbagai masalah hukum baru. Salah satu masalah yang timbul adalah penyalahgunaan merek di dunia maya dengan cara meminjam reputasi suatu merek tanpa izin dengan tujuan untuk menarik dan menyesatkan konsumen untuk mengunjungi website tersebut. Regulasi tentang dilusi merek dan putusan kasus-kasus di Amerika Serikat dijadikan bahan perbandingan. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa t…

For a number of years in the mid-nineteenth century Ludwig Feuerbach (1804?1872) played an important role in the history of post-Hegelian German philosophy, and in the transition from idealism to various forms of naturalism, materialism and positivism that is one of the most notable developments of this period. To the extent that he is remembered today by non-specialists in the history of nineteenth-century religious thought, it is mainly as the object of Marx?s criticism in his famous Theses on Feuerbach, originally penned in 1845 and first published posthumously by Friedrich Engels as an ap…

AbstrakPasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa terdapat beberapa hal yang harus dicermati, terlebih dalam hal pengaturan distribusi urusan pemerintahan yang menjadi alas pelaksanaan kewenangan pemerintahan daerah. Apabila dibandingkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004, maka terdapat perubahan dalam distribusi urusan pemerintahan. Tulisan ini berusaha memberikan penjelasan terhadap pemahaman mengenai urusan pemerintahan dengan membandingkan dua undang-undang untuk membingkai kerangka pemikiran daerah…

Abstract           The liberalism principles have influenced the whole life aspects of the nation and the state of Indonesia. On the political aspect, the principles influence the elections in Indonesia from the lowest (village head election) to the highest (presidential election) levels. The liberal principles are not in accordance with the principles of Pancasila as the national philosophy and the source of law (staatsfundamental norm) of Indonesia.  The liberal democratic principles cause high cost democracy. They create the conditions of ?free fight? and ?homo homini lupus?, as …