The head of the Madrasah is the manager of the institution which is one of the key in improving the teacher's performance, because Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ihsan is one of the institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This research is focused on the managerial competence of Madrasah head in improving teacher performance. This study uses ethnographic studies with a qualitative approach, which is done by MTs Al-Ihsan Krian. The findings of this research are as follows: (1) The planning undertaken by the head of MTs Al-Ihsan includes: (a) planning based on the vision, mi…

The learning process is basically demands the ability of teachers to control students' learning activities. Although not every learning activity, students rely on the presence of the teacher, but there is a causal relationship between teachers teach and students learn. Therefore, one of the responsibilities of teachers in the learning process is to design and implement the learning process in a way that students can achieve the goals that have been set. Creating an effective learning with the involvement of students in order to learn and grow going optimization of basic skills and complex skil…

Lack of creativity in student learning so that grouping students randomly in fifth grade makes students insecure in learning, especially for those who have not mastered some of the scientific approaches in participating in class learning. Therefore, the scientific learning approach is considered to be able to improve creativity in class V. This research was conducted in March 2018 with a sample of 21 fifth graders. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. By using data collection techniques: observation, creativity tests, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed us…

The demand of quality education the more days pass more gain strength. This phenomenon appear along with the condition of peoples needs growing rapidly. That indispensable priscipal professional, were able to establish that the quality of education quality and considered superior public interest. The focus of this study are three things, that is: a) principal behavior in the build quality of education. b) strategy principals in building the quality of education. to answer the focus of the study, the researchers used a qualitative approach, nid of case studies. Methods of data collection use in…

Management of instructional media in an effort to improve student learning outcomes in MAN krecek Pare. The purpose of this study were: (1) to describe how teachers plan the development of instructional media in MAN krecek Pare, (2) to determine the organization of the development of instructional media in MAN krecek Pare, (3) to find out how the implementation of the development of instructional media in MAN krecek Pare, (4) to find out how controlling the development of instructional media in MAN krecek Pare Kediri. This study uses qualitative research field with a descriptive-analytic analy…

The research in this thesis prompted by the weakening of discipline teachers who could be seen among others, it can be seen from teachers who skip their class/ default teacher, teachers who late go to the class or school, teachers who have no learning or incomplete preparation and also the low student motivation.. So the researcher wanted to examine the influence of the discipline of teachers and students' motivation to improve students` achievement in the school. The research method used in this research was quantitative in particularly survey research. As for the population in this research …

Fish is quickly undergoing spoiled. Therefore the community process fish to several alternatives forms such as fish floss.  Home industry ?Althaf Food? produces fish floss from mackerel. Located in ulujadi sub-district Palu City.The purpose of this study was to analyse the income of ?Althaf Food?. The owner and employee from the production department were selected as respondents. The income was analysed from the interview data. The study showed that the ?Althaf Food? produces fish floss got income amounting to 1,638,612 IDR in four times of a month.

This study aimed at determining erosion rate under several lands with different slopes in Labuan village, Toposo sub-district of Donggal district. This research was expected to produce information that could be used as consideration for achieving optimal plant yield. It was conducted from November to December 2016. Soil samples were analyzed in the Soil Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty Tadulako University of Palu. Survey was done on each land unit resulting from overlaying topography map and land use map. Soil samples for each land unit were determined purposively. Highest erosion rate of 0.6…

Pertumbuhan anggrek pada kultur jaringan ditentukan oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya komposisi media yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan komposisi media yang sesuai bagi pertumbuhan anggrek vanda secara in vitro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Tanaman Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tadulako yang berlangsung dari bulan April sampai Juni 2013.  Penelitian ini disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan komposisi media yang dicobakan, yaitu media VW + 2 ppm giberelin + 250 mL air kelapa per liter media, Media MS + 2 ppm giberelin…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman Arthropoda pada pertanaman Kakao pada bagian  tajuk (Sweep net) dan permukaan tanah (pitfall trap). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada pertanaman kakao. di Desa Sejahtera, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi dan kegiatan identifikasi Arthropoda dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako. Penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling atau ditentukan secara sengaja, dilakukan pada lahan seluas 1 Ha yang dibagi dalam 5 hamparan pertanaman yang dijadikan pengamatan, dengan total  25 perangkap…

This study aims was to determine the of marketing channels, the magnitude of the marketing margin and determine the efficiency of marketing at the home industry Flamboyan in Panau Village Tawaeli Subdistrict Palu City. The research was conducted at the home industry Flamboyan in Panau Village Tawaeli Subdistrict Palu City. The number of respondents in this study as many as 14 people consisting of on 1 person leaders, 4 person employee, 1 person retailers and 8 person consumer. Determination of the respondents in the management, employees and consumers in the industry Flamboyan in do (purposive…

Banana plant (Musa paradisiacal L.) is one of Indonesia native plants currently facing a serious problem of bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum bacteria. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of Trichoderma sp. application at different rates to controll the bacterial. This research was conducted in the Plant Disease Laboratory and in the Agricultural Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University from April to September 2017. Banana seeds used were four month old kepok. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four rates of Trichoderma sp. i…

Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil rotan, oleh karena itu industri meubel rotan sangat prospektif untuk dikembangkan di Kota Palu. Salah satu industi yang mengelolah rotan menjadi aneka kerajinan adalah industri meubel rotan Tora-Tora. Industi  ini memiliki produksi yang terbilang cukup tinggi. Namun, masih belum dapat menginformasikan dengan baik laporan keuangannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan kondisi kinerja keuangan industri meubel rotan ?Tora-Tora? di Kota Palu selama dua tahun terakhir dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan tah…

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi alternatif yang tepat untuk diterapkan dalam pengembangan keripik singkong balado pada UKM ?Pundi Mas? di Kota Palu. Jumlah responden 7 orang yang terdiri dari        1 pimpinan dan 6 orang karyawan pada UKM ?Pundi Mas?.  Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis SWOT. Total nilai yang diperoleh Tabel IFAS yaitu sebesar 3,01 dengan skor kekuatan 2,20 dan skor kelemahan sebesar 0,81. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor kekuatan UKM ?Pundi Mas? lebih besar dari faktor kelemahan, sedangkan total nilai yang diperolah dari EFAS yai…

Jackfruit seed including recalcitrant seeds that can not be stored longer, and its high water content immediately germinate, so rapidly lose viability within a relatively short time. So that need special handling in maintaining viability and vigor during storage. This study aimed to obtain the type of packaging and appropriate storage media to maintain viability and vigor jackfruit seeds during storage. This study used a completely randomized design factorial two factors. The first factor is the packaging Basket woven bamboo, Box Styrofoam and cardboard box. The second factor is media store sa…

Broiler business in Patriot business still applies traditional farming system with such weaknesses as relatively simple production equipment, relatively high mortality rate and limited human resources.  Data collected was analyzed using SWOT Analysis. The IFAS value was 3.22, with the strength value was 2.27 and the weakness value was 0.95. This shows that the strength factor in the "Patriot" business is greater than the weakness factor.  The EFAS value was 3.54, with the opportunity value was 1.60, and the threat value was 1.94.  Based on the internal and external factors, the total score …

Undang-undang telah menggariskan tentang norma hukum keabsahansuatu perkawinan yang terdapat dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1),namun masih menyisakansuatu persoalan yang selalu urgen didiskusikan terkait dengan keabsahanperkawinan beda agama.Penelitian ini merupakan tipe penelitian hukum normatifdengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Teknikanalisis adalah analisis isi terhadap bahan-bahan hukum.Hasil penelitianmengemukakan bahwa Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam bagian Pertimbangan Hakimdalam Putusan Nomor 68/PUU-XII/2014 dari perspektif Undang-Undang Nomor 1Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan…

AbstrakTulisan ini berkaitan dengan kajian yuridis terhadap kondisi lembaga legislatifdibawah rezim UUD 1945 hasil amademen dan urgensi kelanjutan perubahannya. Faktamenunjukan Restrukturisasi parlemen atas kehendak UUD menciptakan tiga pilar utamadalam kamar legislasi Indonesia yakni MPR-DPR-DPD. Secara konstitusional MPR bersifatincidental, DPR bersifat legislatif, sedangkan DPD bersifat co-legislatif. Pelaksanaan peranketiga lembaga parlemen tersebut menimbulkan dinamika yang tidak seimbang.Diskriminasi peran, fungsi dan kewenangan dirasakan sangat mempengaruhi kualitaslegislatif secara umu…

It cannot be denied in fact in the community that there are still vehicle that does not legal night used as an instrument transportation public transport of a motorcycle ( ojek ) and private cars. It generated problems in legal matters relating to legal protection for loss for passengers that undergoes them, so important a research.Type research used is research law normative, with the approach regulations and conceptual.The research results show that passengers who had losses lives and or goods due to had an accident during in the transport of from the perspective of civil law positive is in …

The freedom of judges based on the independence of judicial power in Indonesia is guaranteed in the constitution of Indonesia, namely the Constitution of the Republic of I1945, which is further implemented in Law No. 48 of 2009 on the Judicial Power Law. In essence, the duties of judges in law enforcement, particularly in re-enforcing laws that have been violated by the parties or suspects / defendants may proceed well and smoothly if the spirit of the violated legislation reflects a sense of justice in society. Or in other words, that the task of the judge in enforcing the law will not encoun…