Perubahan iklim memiliki risiko dan dampak paling rentan terhadap sektor pertanian khususnya pertanian lahan sawah tadah hujan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat profitabilitas, risiko produksi, biaya, dan pendapatan pada usahatani padi sawah tadah hujan berbasis perubahan iklim. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Polombakeng Utara dan Polombakeng Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pengambilan sampel secara purposif, yang berjumlah 147 petani responden. Data bersumber dari data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan a…

Genetic diversity and relationship of four Acacia species, Acacia aulacocarpa, A. Cunn. ex Benth., A. auriculiformis Cunn. ex Benth., A. crassicarpa Cunn. ex Benth. and A. mangium Willd. were investigated using DNA molecular markers. Using RAPD analysis, a total of 20 arbitrar y primers successfully gave 127 polymorphic fragments. These RAPD data were used to estimate genetic distance and construct dendrograms using the unweighted pair-group with the arithmetic mean average (UPGMA) method. The four species were divided into two major clusters. A. auriculiformis and A. mangium were in one clust…

A study on demography,  growth  and survival of  seedlings and saplings was conducted  in the Hutan Kintap  concenssion,   South Kalimantan,   Indonesia. The aim of  the study  was to monitor  pattern  of growth of seedlings and saplings among different types of logged -  over forest, including the newly  logged  -  forest, older  logged  -  over forests   (treated and untreated),   and un-logged-forest    patches.   The  study began in 1991, and nineteen  of  0.25  ha plots   were set up i…

Various experimental testing procedures were undertaken in Indonesia to determine the effectiveness of a patented superficial (envelope) treatment using bifenthrin to protect radiata pine framing material from damage by two species of subterranean termites (Macrotermes gilvus and Coptotermes curvignathus) and one species of drywood termite (Cryptotermes cynocephalus). Lengths of framing material (Pinus radiata sapwood) were commercially treated to the targeted retention of 0.02% m/m of bifenthrin in the outer 2 mm depth penetration zone of the material. The treated and untreated materials were…

The fiber-plastic composites were made from the compounding of plastic (polypropylene) and sisal  (Agave sisalana)fiber with or without  addition of coupling agent (Maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene).  The tensile  strength (Modulus of Elasticity-MOE, Modulus of Rupture-MOR) of the composites were evaluated in the three different conditions, i.e. air dry condition (control), 24 - hour immersion in cold water and 2-hour immersion  in boilingwater.  The results showed that the addition of coupling agent enhanced the properties of the composites.   These properties di…

Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) is a multipurpose tree that can be utilized for palm sugar, alcoholic drinks, beverages and construction wood. The use of  aren sawdust has not been studied intensively. This study examines the utilization of  aren sawdust as cultivation media for edible mushrooms. Aren sawdust was mixed with rice bran, CaCO3, gypsum, fertilizers and distilled water before sterilization in 30 minutes pressurized autoclave at 1210C and 1.5atm. The mixed media was inoculated with pure cultures containing four mushrooms species (Pleurotus flabellatus, P. ostreatus, P. sajor-caju …

Provenance trial is a planting test aimed at fi nding the best provenance for establishing forest plantations. Such best provenance depends on the type of fi nal harvest or yield expected.  The objective of this research was to identify A. mangium provenances that were suitable for forest plantation producing solid woods for construction and furniture. A total of 225 samples of 15 provenances from Papua New Guinea and Australia were planted in three blocks in Parungpanjang, Bogor, West Java. The measured parameters included tree height, clear bole height, stem diameter, tree volume,…

The magnitude  of the genotype-environment interaction (GEI) in seven six years  old seedling  seed orchards  of Eucalyptus pellita established  at three locations  in Indonesia  was examined  by analyzing height  and diameter.  The seed orchard  at each location  consists of 121 families  from three  provenances  of Papua  New  Guinea.  The pooled  sum of squares derived from analysis  of variance  of growth  of the three provenances  was used to estimate genetic  parameters.  These parameters  were  then used to…

This study describes the establishment of  a compatible volume estimation model for Acacia mangium Willd on the basis of  279 felled sample trees collected from the A. mangium plantation stands in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The model comprises of  a total volume model and a stem taper model, which is compatible in the sense of  the total volume obtained by integration of  the taper model being equal to that computed by the total volume model. Several well-known total volume functions were evaluated including constant form factor, combined variable, generalized combine variable, l…

This paper examines the issue of qath'i and zhanni in the realm of Islamic legal thought with regard to source of truth (wurud) and an indication of the law (dalalah). Terms qath'i and zhanni often associated with the position of the Qur'an and Sunnah judging from the aspect of al-tsubut or al-wurud (truth source/ constancy) and al- dalalah (meaning the content/ legal indications). This is done in an attempt to formulate and define the 'region' of Islam which can not be carried ijtihad. As the product ijtihadi, qath'i and zhanni only bore deviation among jurists in the level of assessment of w…

Berbagai peraturan sudah menyertai pengelolaan zakat di Indonesia, mulai zaman kolonial Belanda-pun sampai lahirnya beberapa tahun yang lalu secara yurudis yang namanya UU No. 38/1999. Memang panjang rentang sejarahnya, problematikanya banyak menyita waktu, tenaga dan fikiran serta perdebatan,tidak seperti eksis dan urgensinya sebagaimana lahirnya UU lainnya dan perealisasiannya, seperti UU pajak misalnya. Tetapi bagaimana-pun, tetap harus diakui bahwa upaya-upaya mengeksiskan sekaligus mengefektifkan pengelolaan zakat di negeri ini, merupakan kewajiban syariah, maka adalah suatu tanggung jawa…

The development of Islamic law in the modern world shows that Islamic law of inheritance (faraid) has become the most persistent part to the influences of modernity. The sacredness of faraid and its detailed Quranic regulation are among the reasons behind this situation. The development of Muslim family system from extended to become nuclear family system, however, has forced Muslim countires to reform their regulation of law. One of important fruits of the reform is strengthening the right of spouse and the descendant of muwarith, as the member of nuclear family. Husband or wife has a right t…

Divorce is something that is not expected to occur in a marriage, because the purpose of marriage is to establish a happy and eternal family. However, not all marriages can be a happy marriage and last forever. When the conflict happens between husband and wife and there is no more peaceful solution, the law gives alterative to a divorce, so the husband and wife can get out of the crisis. Anyway, divorce should not happen too easily, and according to the hopes of the couple. In the Law Number 1 in 1974 concerning Marriage and Compilation of Islamic law which one of the purposes is to give welf…

Indonesia as a modern Muslim state, through its Islamic family law, has greatly sought the indiscrimination against women, especially in the context of the law and its implementation. This study aims to determine number of womens rights after divorce which has been formulated in Indonesian Islamic family law. The library research by using content analysis approach obtainsthe findings of the research are the rights acquired by women after divorce which are in Indonesian Islamic family law such as; mutah, livelihood, refuse of reconciliation, hadlanah and joint property rights, are no gender bia…

Tulisan ini membahas tentang pemikiran Buya Hamka yang berpendapat salah satu prinsip dasar dalam menegakkan kekuasan adalah kebebasan atau kemerdekaan. Buya Hamka menjelaskan bahwa kemerdekaan itu artinya bebas mengembangkan sayap, menurutkan kemauan hati, untuk membuktikan adanya hak. Setiap orang mendapat hak untuk bersidang dan berkumpul, hak berbicara dan menyatakan pendapat, hak berserikat dan mengatur negeri. Selain itu setiap orang memiliki kewajiban untuk tunduk kepada kehendak umum dengan menekan kepentingan pribadi. Kemerdekaan memiliki tiga pokok: 1). Merdeka iradah (kemauan), yait…

This paper aims to compare child protection law between Indonesiaand Malaysia especially in terms of family law (marriage), child definition andage limit, as well as other foundational principles. Content analysis method ofa variety of relevant references is used and a comparative approach to child protection law in Indonesia and Malaysia is taken. There are many similarities between child protection law in Malaysia and Indonesia, in which both systemsspecify the state, family, and parents responsibilities towards children. Alsospecified are handling of childs position, guardianship, rearing, …

Islamic law represent holy comands of Allah arranging all life aspect every Moslem, and cover items punish purely and also items of spiritual religious. He have the nature of elastic fixed hold on to its its spirit that is and egaliter of monothoistik and also have character of egaliter, dont rasial, not feodal and not patriarkhal. Thereby, education of Islam which dimiciling its equal to Islam law at theoretical framework and also aplicative cannot discharge it his spirit that is and egaliter of monothoistik. Principal of education of Islam which this egaliter which later have to be developed…

Pemikiran hukum Islam telah lama mengalami stagnan. Baru sekitar abad ke-19 mulai muncul suara-suara untuk melakukan perubahan dan pembaharuan terhadap hukum Islam yang ada. Di antara penyebab terjadinya stagnasi pemikiran hukum Islamtersebut, akibat adanya pemahaman yang menganggap bahwa hukum Islam itu telah cukup dan mapan serta tidak bolehdiganggu gugat dalam konteks apapun. Padahal zaman terus berubah dan berkembang seiring dengan berkembangnya ilmu dan teknologi yang semakin pesat yang pada gilirannya mengubah prilaku dan pola hidup masyarakat. Dengan demikian, dalam rangka mengkontekstu…