Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan meningkat atau menurun jika ditinjau melalui likuiditas, solvabilitas dan rentabilitas pada Bank BNI dibandingkan dengan Bank BNI Syariah periode 2013-2015. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tiga rasio yaitu rasio likuiditas (current ratio dan Loan to Deposit Ratio), rasio solvabilitas (Debt to Equity Ratio dan Capital Adequacy Ratio) dan rasio rentabilitas (Return on Assets dan Retun on Equity). Hasil penelitian pada rasio likuiditas pada Bank BNI dan Bank BNI Syariah pada tahun 2013-2015 dilihat dari hasil perhitungan rata-rata pada…

This study aimed to analyze the Comparative Effects of Brand Equity between Indomie Noodles brand and Sedaap noodles by  using t test analysis in Two independent variables. The sample in this study were students of Mulawarman university Samarinda with amount of samples are 80 respondents by using hair method. The hypothesis of this study showed that between equity Indomie and Sedaap have significant differences. The results of hypothes test in Two Variables t test showed that, brand equity of Indomie and Mie Sedaap have significant differences.Keyword: Comparison of brand equity

Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh status pionir merek terhadap sikap konsumen dan keputusan pembelian pada produk air mineral aqua studi kasus pada mahasiswa universitas mulawarman. Setelah dilakukan pengujian terhadap data, diperoleh hasil bahwa status pionir mempunyai t-statistic sebesar 75,203 (t-statistic < t-tabel). Hal ini menunjukkan status pionir berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap konsumen. Nilai koefisien (original sample of estimate) sebesar 0.908 atau lebih dari 0.50 menunjukkan bahwa status pionir positif terhadap sikap konsumen. Dari pengujian tersebut, maka d…

This research aim to know the comparison of brand equity between facial wash product brand ponds with biore. Data analysis technique used is different from the mean test with paired samples. Based on the result of the study, it was found that difference between facial wash brand ponds with biore. Of the four indicators that make up the brand equity, ponds is superior to the biore. Additionaly the Biore expected to increase four indicator shaper brand equity in order to become a top brand of facial wash product.Keyword: Brand Equity, Brand Awareness,  Brand Associatio…

The purpose of this study is to uncover the effect of perfomance evalution, organizational commitment, and work discipline to staff performance porting branch Indonesia IV Samarinda, All 51 Staff were evaluated, and the result analyzed by linear regression using SPSS 16 for windows, Result showed that performance evalution, organizational commitment, and work discipline have positive effect to staff performance, Suggestion to future research is the researcher have to improve research quality and added or extended sample framerwork.Keyword: Job Achievement Estimation, organizational commitment,…

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Motivasi Konsumen, Persepsi dan Sikap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen terhadap Toyota Innova di Dealer Graha Toyota Antasari Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan pendekatan asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampelnya adalah konsumen yang menggunakan Toyota Innova di Samarinda. Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 125 konsumen. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan SPSS versi 21. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel motivasi konsumen berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian p…

The problem in this study is that student are not able to apply the sharf method to identify fa fi'il and a'in fi'il and lam fi'il in this chapter of the mujarrad and ts ulasi mazid and are also unable to identify a additional letters in the tsulasi mazid chapter and author of the book is not put a distinguishing mark between the original letters and the additional letter in tsulasi mazid chapter. The purpose of this study is to find out the steps for developing and affectiveness of the product development of the book matan bina wal asas with LKS. The population and sampel of this study were a…

The purpose of this study is to know the application of Debate Method to improve speaking skills for senior high school students of class XII -A in Ulumuddin boarding school Utenkot, Cunda - Lhokseumawe for academic years 2018 – 2019, and to know students effectivity after applicating the Debat Methode. This research is classroom action research conducted in 3 cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation / evaluation, and reflection. The subjects of this study are senior high school students of class XII-A who are 25 students and the object of this research is speaking s…

The book "Darsu Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah" is one of the books used by students to learn Arabic. This book contains various teaching materials, including the Qawaid Nahwu and reading. After making observations, researchers see that the grammar content in the reading is not in accordance with the grammar material that has been taught. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify the content of reading texts and elements that contradicted grammar material as well as knowing the efforts made by the teacher to overcome this problem. This research is content analysis and data collection is done t…

Al-Qawa’id al-Nahwiyyah is one of three important elements in a language. The students should learning qawa’id to know the correct last line of the word in arabic language, then to help them in increasing their speaking and writing well and right by a good language. So that, the researcher used the qiyasiyyah and uslub NHT by using bitaqah takammulah for increasing student’s achievment to comprehend qawa’id nahwu at Darul Ihsan school. Because after the researcher make the observation, the researcher found many of mistake n error language structure, the students exp…

Students at SMPIT Madrasatul Quran boarding school memorize verses of al-Quran, memorize Arabic vocabulary, learn Arabic grammar and learn Arabic texts. This process will be a good attempt to improve students' ability to read and understand Arabic texts. In reality, however, some students are not able to read and understand Arabic texts well, as there are errors in "makhrajul huruf", errors in "late rendering", errors on "stop places while reading texts" and are unable to " explain the meaning of the text read". Therefore, the researcher wanted to study the application of cooperative learning …

The method of dialog (conversational Method) is one method of teaching foreign languages ​​such as Arabic, English, or other languages ​​by directly inviting students to dialogue / speak with the foreign language being taught. Playing drama is one way to make it easier for students to remember Arabic vocab. The conversational method intended here is a way of teaching by dramatizing behavior in the form of social relations. As for the problems that researchers get at the modern Babun Najah boarding school, some students at the Modern Pesantren Babun Najah are less ab…

The subject of the study was "The application of the direct method with the Kwartet card to improve students' ability to express themselves verbally (an experimental study in the Islamic High School Ruhul Falah Samahani)." One of the reasons that encouraged researchers to write this research was problem faced by the teacher because students could not write short sentences that the teacher taught about the subject. They cannot say the sentence he made from the desired material. This arises when researchers choose cards and examples and exercises from easy anecdotal texts, or good phrases that g…

In the second language, speaking is a basic skill in learning language, because language it selft is speech, a person not considered of mastering the language except by mastering the speaking. The students of Babun Najah not only found difficult in speaking Arabic language but got borred as well. Thus, student had a very low ability. It was caused by the disagreement between method used by teacher and do not use the interesting media according to students’ condition, it makes the students felt bored, lack of attention to the subject; even some of them spoke during the teaching and learn…

This title is chosen by the writer because of the absence of particular books for Arabic conversation of the student as well as interviewed the head of language center of the school, Dr. Muakhir Zakaria MA. Theses questioner yield that the student need certain guidance books used to improve their capability in Arabic conversation. The purpose of this study is to figure out the application of this material design and to measure the effectivenees of the design of under the title “The environment of Islamic boarding school” to improvew student’s ability. The writer used RND met…

The research problem in this thesis is that many students of class two mistakenly write hamzah, for example in the verb "اطمأن", in the form of fiil madhi written on alif, and in the form of fi mudhari 'written on “ya”, such as: يطمئن. Most of them make mistakes in writing it because they are ineffective and are not focused in learning the rules of writing hamzah and they cannot distinguish between hamzah in Arabic writing because the lessons of imla 'and insha' are important tools for written expression in terms of truth and integrity the mistak. …

Persebaran kejahatan di ruang perkotaan secara keruangan telah lama menjadi bagian kajian secara geografis.  Salah satu teori yang untuk membahas persebaran tersebut adalah teori disorganisasi sosial. Tulisan ini mengulas pemanfaatan teori disorganisasi sosial dalam sebuah artikel jurnal internasional karya Melo, Andersen dan Matias (2017) yang membahas geografi kejahatan pada sebuah kota di negara Brazil. Hasil ulasan memaparkan sejarah ringkas dari teori disorganisasi dan hubungannya dengan pengkajian permasalahan perkotaan, khususnya kejahatan, termasuk dasar-dasar pemikiran yang ada. Sela…

Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu potensi sumberdaya laut yang sangat penting di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik fisik perairan terhadap persebaran terumbu karang di Wilayah Perairan Karawang pada tahun 2001, 2010 dan 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei lapang dan pengolahan data citra menggunakan algoritma Lyzenga untuk mengetahui persebaran terumbu karang di Wilayah Perairan Karawang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik fisik perairan ini mempengaruhi persebaran terumbu karang dalam jangka waktu lama yang dalam penelitian …

Keterbatasan Kota Yogyakarta untuk memenuhi permintaan akan lahan yang terbangun membuat perkembangannya meluas ke Kabupaten Sleman dan Bantul sehingga terbentuk Kawasan Perkotaan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola suhu permukaan, hubungannya dengan kehijauan vegetasi dan terjadinya fenomena Urban Heat Island (UHI) di Kawasan Perkotaan Yogyakarta tahun 2015-2017. Temperatur permukaan tanah diperoleh dari pengolahan citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS dengan metode mono-window dan divalidasi dengan pengukuran temperatur udara langsung, greenness vegetasi dengan algoritma NDVI dan f…

Abstrak. Akuisisi data dengan menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak semakin sering dilakukan. Penelitian ini memodelkan data elevasi dari pengukuran lapangan dengan menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini :(1) untuk menguji kemampuan pesawat tanpa awak dalam mengakuisisi data elevasi, dan (2) untuk membandingkan data elevasi jika ditambahkan data point cloud dan data pengukuran batimetri. Metode pengolahan dengan menggunakan data point cloud dilakukan dengan pertama-tama mencocokkan titik kunci. Pencocokan titik kunci mengkaitkan seluruh hasil foto udara hingga membentuk satu kesat…