Wilayah Indonesia termasuk daerah yang rawan terjadi gempa bumi, karena terletak pada pertemuan tiga jalur aktivitas seismik (lempeng bumi) dengan kategori yang sangat aktif. Gempa bumi dapat merusak bangunan. Terdapat empat faktor penyebab kerusakan bangunan yang diakibatkan gempa bumi, antara lain: magnitude gempa, jarak bangunan terhadap sumber gempa, kualitas bangunan dan karakteristik tanah dimana bangunan tersebut berdiri. Dari keempat penyebab tingkat kerusakan bangunan tersebut, ada dua hal yang bisa diupayakan untuk mengurangi jumlah korban akibat gempa bumi yaitu meningkatkan kualita…
AbstrakStabilitas tanah dasar merupakan halpenting sebagai penopang konstruksi di atasnya khususnyapada  tol paspro yang rencananya akan dibangun di atas timbunan dengan elevasi yg relatif tinggi  yaitu 0 meter  s/d  9 meter  pada STA 15+500  elv timbunan  8.5 meter  .  Selain itu penyelidikan tanah di lokasi tersebut menunjukan bahwa tanah dasar pada rencana jalan tol Paspro merupakan tanah lempung lunak hingga kedalaman 10.36 meter sehingga diperlukan perbaikan tanah dasar. Dalam analisa tanah dasar terjadi penurunan tanah sebesar 0.8 me…
The collapse of the Abbasid sovereignty at the end of the period 635 H / 1258 AD political Islam has caused the loss of influence in the world. Even after the fall of the Abbasid caliphate was established in the form of several dynasties and kingdoms, such as; Mughal empire in India, Safavid empire in Persia and the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. However, the establishment of the dynasty and the government is not much help because it only operates in the field of internal development of science. In fact even the emergence of dynasties that only widen the political disintegration of the Muslim world…
Menstrual period (menstruation) and sacred time for a woman is very important. This is because it involves a lot of things and issues in the practice of his religion. Haid past and future is closely related to the implementation of holy prayer, fasting, hajj, the waiting period, mingled with her husband, touching al-Qur`an al-Karim and even read and and others. Another problem that is directly related to the menstrual period is also very important and broad implications is the problem of the waiting period for a wife who divorced by her husband. Ulama of enacting group Shafi sacred significanc…
Indonesia rich the natural resources, such the coal mineral deposits. But in the fact state control of the coal mine is more substance for investment purposes. The economic rights of the people have not been accommodated. There is still often conflicting relating to land by the public. From the historical arrangements control of natural resources since the Dutch era was indeed the economic factor of investment into primary interest and not for the people prosperity that result in people's economic rights unprotected. This article focused on the analysis of the historical of the paradigm of sta…
Scene study of fiqh of zakat is already widely studied by several researchers and scholars from generation to generation from the Prophet era until now. Zakat issues commonly found in classical literature that developed up to this time, either in the form of scientific publications and other scientific books. Determination and calculation of zakat 'arudz al-Tijara according to fiqh is related to the setting haul and nishab while according to the National Zakat Agency is spending zakat calculation' arudz al-Tijara on the basis of the haul and nishab. This article will explore methods of determi…
Islamic law broadly recognizes two kinds of sources oflaw, namely the source of law which is "naqli" and a source oflaw is the "aqli". Sources of law based on the proposition is theQur'an and al-Sunnah, while the source of the laws of logic isthe result of the effort to find the law by emphasizing theprocess to think with a variety of methods. Figures or imamsschools in exploring of legal values that not explicitly specifiesin detail and firm in the Qur'an and Sunnah, each of themoffers the methodological framework, the theory and principlesof ijtihad which became a reference in setting their …
Nowadays, most of the Islamic world is still relatively underdeveloped developing countries even seen from the size and criteria of wealth, employment, education and health. A fact that is contrary to the doctrine, values and norms of Islam itself. The importance of building Islamic economic thought is based, two arguments, first, theological arguments which claim that Islam is a heavenly religions based on revelation (Quran) that serves to guide the life of humanity, whether social, political, and economic. First, the empirical philosophical arguments and factual. Second, there is a gap and a…
This article focused to explore Tahallul Theme in guidance of hajj konteks in Central Java province. Content analysis method used aims to describe the correspondence between variables and variable themes mengkolerasikan both the evaluation and contingency coefficient. Through computing reliability test questionnaire and test hypotheses, unknown numbers Kappa inter-rater reliability of 0.72, which means strong or substantial contingency and correlation coefficients (kk) of 0.89, which means strong. The results of computing the correlation of two variables showed the coefficient of contingency w…
Settlement of disputes divorce on the grounds âsyiqaqâ have two mechanisms for peace, which is mediating in the initial examination of the case and making the appointments âhakamâ were carried out after the process of verification. Mediator and âhakamâ same function, namely as a neutral party to reconcile the two sides of a dispute. This of course raises another problem where the dualism of law and overlapping carried out by two different agencies in one point. When taken in conjunction with the principle of justice that is simple, fast and inexpensive, of course,…
This article discusses how insurance aplikable in Islam perspective. The results of discussion is that insurance as Islamic Economic (muamalah) practice today, is not known at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, so that the legal basis textually not found in the Quran and hadith, the results of previous scholars and ijtihad in codes of Islamic Law. Islamic insurance which is being developed today, can essentially reduce the burden and narrowness, and bring benefits in peoples lives. Therefore, the community should begin to see the prospect of such insurance as the media to protect themselves fro…
Poverty brings people to âkufrâ, which resulted in a lot of people who do not want to implement a series of worship are obliged to do. Social life gradually ignored and no longer cared for in everyday people just thinks how do I get the money to make ends meet. In helping people who cannot afford, arranged in religion as well as helping the poor is by way of charity. âZakatâ should be done to help the poor to the prosperous and independent life. As it is now done program Zakat Community Development (ZCD) in Teluk Payo District of Banyuasin II Banyuasin in the development of…
Kata kunci: Anafora, Katafora, Pronomina persona, ReferensiHubungan referensi (pengacuan) merupakan hubungan yang ada antara kata-kata dan barang-barang, sehingga referensi adalah kata-kata yang mengacu pada barang-barang. Dalam referensi terdapat pronomina yang berfungsi sebagai kata tunjuk, salah satunya pronomina persona. Pronomina pesona adalah kata-kata yang dipakai untuk menunjuk orang juga menggantikan nama orang. Dalam bahasa Jepang, terdapat berbagai variasi pronomina persona dengan penggunaan yang bergantung pada lawan bicara juga situasi pada saat pembicaraan dilakukan. Pada penelit…
Kata kunci: Elipsis, Joshi, Kakujoshi, Partikel, SintaksisDalam percakapan sehari-hari, terdapat fenomena bahasa yang disebut elipsis. Elipsis merupakan suatu penghilangan unsur kalimat yang dapat dengan mudah ditafsirkan sendiri oleh lawan bicara. Hal ini, selain untuk menghindari pembicaraan yang terkesan berbelit-belit, juga untuk menghargai dan memberi ruang bagi lawan bicara untuk menyimpulkan sendiri makna ujaran. Dalam bahasa Jepang, elemen yang terelipsis tidak terbatas pada subyek, obyek atau frase, namun juga partikel (joshi). Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menjawab dua rumusan masala…
Keywords: translation, metaphors, metaphor translation procedure, Fallen The existence of many diverse languages results in the closure of information exchange. Translation then appears as the solution, which is not an easy job. Having linguistics skill and knowledge of the culture cannot guarantee the translator to face no problem at all. Metaphor is one of the significant translation problems since it is usually influenced by the culture. Thus, the translator has to carefully consider how to translate metaphor. This study analyzes metaphor translation in a novel entitled Fallen. There are tw…
Kata Kunci : Psikologi perkembangan anak, Perang Dunia II, animasi, perang danperkembangan anak Film Hadashi no Gen merupakan karya sastra lama karya Mori Masaki. Film Hadashi no Gen menceritakan tentang seorang anak kecil berusia sekitar delapan tahun yang tinggal bersama keluarganya di kota Hiroshima. Jepang pada saat itu dalam kondisi Perang Dunia II. Pada film Hadashi no Gen menunjukkan adanya pengaruh lingkungan terhadap perkembangan psikologi seseorang. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perang terhadap perkembangan psikologi.Pada penelitian …
Kata Kunci : Strategi, Penolakan, MaksimBahasa adalah alat komunikasi untuk menyampaikan suatu maksud, tujuan, atau keinginan. Dalam hal ini keinginan untuk menolak suatu ajakan atau tawaran. Penolakan adalah respon yang bersifat menolak atas suatu ajakan, permintaan, dan tawaran. Penolakan dapat dilakukan secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai strategi penolakan yang berjudul “Strategi Ungkapan Penolakan Bahasa Jepang Dalam Drama Serial Nihonjin no ShiranaiNihonggo Episode 1-12â€. Penelitian ini menggunakan acuan teori Beebe et al untuk analisis st…
Keywords: Culture, Scotland, Outlander, novel.Culture and society are related to each other and inseparable. Based on Koentjaraningrat (2009), culture consists of seven elements called Cultural Universal.That is, culture appears in every country around the world, including in Scotland. Theproblem of this study is on how Scottish culture is exposed in a novel.This study aims to find out the culture of Scotland in Diana Gabaldon’s novel entitled Outlander. This novel tells about the experience of an English woman named Claire Randal Fraser when she lives in Scotland. To support the analys…
Kata Kunci : Ekranisasi,Film, Komik, Lovely Complex, Struktural, Unsur  Instrinsik.Skripsi ini meneliti tentang ekranisasi komik Lovely Complex karya Aya Nakahara ke dalam film Lovely Complex karya sutradara Kitaji Ishikawa. Komik dan film Lovely Complex yang menceritakan tentang percintaan remaja, dalam penelitian tersebut peneliti bertujuan untuk menunjukan persamaan dan perbedaan yang ada dalam ekranisasi film Lovely Complex.Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori ekranisasi dan teori struktul dalam unsur instrinsik yang meliputi, tema, alur, tokoh, latar, sudut pandang.Hasil ana…
Keywords: speech style, conversation, student, teacher.While most people are born with thephysical ability to talk, not all can communicate well unless they make specialefforts to develop and refine this skill further. This study was aimed to answer three problems of study. They are (1) what arethe speech styles used by the student while having conversation with his friend and his teacher in Arabic class on Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor 1 Ponorogo (2)what the style occurs dominantly used by the student while having conversation with his friend and his teacher, and (3) what are the possible f…