Al-Gazāli merupakan salah seorang pemikir yang muncul pada masa pasca puncakkemajuan Islam. Sebagai pemikir besar Islam maka hasil pemikiran al-Gazālimasih tetap menjadi warisan umat Islam, meskipun sepuluh abad berlalu.Kebesaran pengaruh al-Gazāli tersebut dapat dilihat dalam gelar Hujjah al-Islam yang disandangnya. Berbagai pujian dilontarkan oleh penulis danpemikir terhadap al-Gazāli. Metode ijtihad imam al-Gazāli sangat tekstualberorientasi pada segala hukum syariat yang tidak terdapat pada dalil qat’i. denganpendekatan qiyasnya memiliki wawasan yang luas dengan mengemu…

AbstrakWakaf merupakan perbuatan hukum yang telah lama hidup dan dilaksanakan dimasyarakat. Wakaf yang telah berjalan selama ini dikelola oleh masyarakat melalui nazhirperorangan atau yayasan berbadan hukum yang sekaligus bertindak sebagai nazhir. Secarasosiologi, wakaf merupakan bagian dari sumber kekayaan yang dapat dijadikan saranauntuk melakukan kebajikan-kebajikan umum, baik kebajikan ibadah mahdhah maupunkebajikan ibadah sosial. Oleh karena itu, wakaf dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum adalahperbuatan hukum masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan menyerahkan harta benda kepadaseseorang atau kelompo…

One of the factors of the difference of opinion is the existence of syara texts that multi-interpretation, so the theory of qathiy and zhanny also can not be separated from the problem. This paper attempts to highlight the problem of the theory in the perspective of Islamic legal thought, that there are differences in the way of the ulama ushul scholars, both classical and modern, in applying the two theories. The classical scholars tend to restrict themselves in matters of qathiy, while modern scholars try to break them

AbstrakArtikel ini mengkaji salah satu muatan al-Qur’an yang berkenaan sanksi pembunuhansengaja. Dalam kajian hukum pidana Islam (fikih jinayah), sanksi pembunuhan sengajatermasuk bagian dari kisas (al-qiṣāṣ), yakni pembalasan hukum yang setimpal terhadapkorban. Eksistensi kisas dalam al-Qur’an bertujuan untuk menciptakan keadilan sosial,sekaligus melindungi hak hidup masyarakat dari kejahatan brutal yang terkadangdilakukan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Oleh karena itu, setiapindividu, diharapkan hidup untuk melanjutkan kehidupan jenis manusia secarakese…

AbstrakKolusi, Korupsi dan Nepotisme, Supremasi Hukum serta Moral Islam adalan tiga variable yang bergantung dan saling berkait, oleh karena untuk menegakkan Supremasi Hukum, maka kolusi, korupsi dan nepotisme harus dihapus dan diberantas serta moral yang baik harus terus dijaga dimana iman sebagai pondasi yang kuat dan kokoh dalam membentuk pribadi-pribadi yang responsible adalah modal yang paling utama dalam pemberantasan Kolusi, Korupsi dan Nepotisme (KKN) tersebut. Kata Kunci: KKN, Supremasi Hukum, Moral Islam.

Islam is believed by its adherents as a religion that is absolutely true and universal, not limited by time and space and certain circumstances. This is as stated by the Quran itself, the teachings of Islam whose message is brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW is to all mankind wherever they are (kāffatan li al-nās, rahmatan li al-ĀlamÄ«n). In contrast to earlier celestial religions, where the religions have limited capacity and time zone, which is temporary because it is limited by the presence of the next prophet and apostle, such as the teachings of Prophet Musa (AS) identified as Jud…

In carrying out their duties, teachers and education staff must have Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) behavior. With the behavior of teachers and OCB education personnel, they will display behavior that exceeds the basic tasks assigned to them. This article uses the library study method. Data analysis using descriptive techniques. From the research results it is known that OCB behavior from teachers and education staff will make the school realize its vision well. Some of the factors that influence OCB teacher behavior are appreciation, job satisfaction, motivation, commitment and loy…

This study attempts to describe supervision competence and managerial competence of the heads schools, to describe educational quality of Islamic Junior High Schools (MTS), and then to analyze the influence of the supervision competence and managerial competence toward educational quality of MTS both partially and simultaneously in Gantarang District, Bulukumba Regency. This study is ex-post facto. The population is all the teachers of all private MTS with accredited A. It is analyzed all the teachers as the sample with 54 people of all. Method of data collection is through questionnaires abou…

Education is the most important investment for every nation especially for the developing nation, which actively builds its country. Development can only be done by human beings prepared through education, in order to reach the most perfect man as the caliph above earth. The development of education or teaching is inseparable and the responsibility of an educator, how the educator is transforming the knowledge possessed by the existing teaching materials, and by paying attention to the method of teaching that is easily accepted by the learners so that the goal is achieved in accordance with wh…

Abstract: This type of reserch is qualitative. In this study, researchers took the population of Aliyah Madrassah Assalam Timbuseng teachers, which totaled 6 people with a sample of 23 teachers. The results showed that personality competencies, teachers at MA AS-Salam, there are some teachers who meet the criteria that are indicators of personality competency, but there are also some teachers who still lack personality competency. To teachers who have very comptent personalities, students will be very respectful and even feel reluctant to the teacher concerned. In contrast to teachers whose pe…

The main problem in this research is how the description of student achievement in the Department of Physics Education in relation to the specialization of choice in the process of admission of new students. From the results of research shows that the picture of Physics Education student achievement that chose the Department of Physics Education as the first choice, is generally categorized as Cum Laude and Very Satisfactory or can be said good. Picture of student achievement of Physics Education Education who did not choose Education Department as first choice, from research data also good or…

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to examine whether there is an influence of reading interest and the role of supervisors partially or simultaneously on the success of writing the final assignment. The research was conducted at AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar by taking a sample of 78 people from 369 population populations using calculations using Slovin formula. The method used is the survey method and data collection carried out through observation, interviews, and distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale as a measuring device. The sampling technique using purposive sampling is…

The main problem facing education today is the quality of human resources are low and not sanggupnya follow the progress of science and technology in the era of globalization, where competition quality menajdi something very urgent met by the school, then you need to do is improve the quality of human resources, both from the aspect of intellectual, spiritual, creativity, morality, and responsibility. This study aims to determines how the principal strategy in improving the competence of teachers in terms of pedagogical, professional, personal and social. This study uses qualitative descriptiv…

This study aims to evaluate the academic administration system at IAIN Samarinda. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used were interviews, document study and observation. The data obtained were then analyzed qualitatively by referring to standard theories and concepts. The results of the data analysis are then compiled so that a general conclusion of the study can be obtained. The results of the research on the implementation of the academic administration system at IAIN Samarinda show: (1) Planning has not been carried out thoro…

In autonomous era of education these days have developed by educational management base on school. This policy applicated how important school independence in all aspect and process of education. That condition, will touch pattern marking problem of education (promotion), although it was non economic effort units. Educational marking there by represent one of solution in order to developing school arienting to requirement socialization (market).

Kurikulum pendidikan merupakan suata alat dan unsur pokok dalam satu sistem penddikan, yang dapat membawa kepada tercapainya tujuan-tujuan pendidikan yang diharapkan. Kurikulum mengandung sejumlah mata-mata pelajaran yang diharapkan dapat dikuasai pesrta didik dan mencakup seluruh pengalaman belajar. Pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan di sekolah banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhinya. Salah satunya adalah keberadaan komite sekolah yang beranggotakan dari masyarakat dan dewan guru. Komite sekolah dapat memberikan pertimbangan, pendukung, pengontrol dan penghubung terlaksananya kurikulum pendidi…

To meet market needs and become independent for technology, Domestic and calibrated of digital manometer products is urgent. The purpose of this study is to create a prototype of digital gas manometer that calibrated to guarantee the truth measurement in international. The designing and creating of digital manometer that traceable to gas pressure calibration system, pressure balance has been done at pressure laboratory of Puslit KIM LIPI. ATmega328 microcontroller on the Arduino Uno board is used to acquire the output voltage data of pressure sensor MPX5500DP by using 10 bit Analog to Digital …

DKD-R 6-1 is a widely used reference document in pressure measuring device (PMD) calibration. However, many of the users do not understand exactly the substance of it. As for example the pressure adjustment during the calibration is based on the reference (STD) reading or the unit under test (UUT) reading, according to the DKD-R 6-1 clause 7 Calibration Method. Therefore, in this research, calibration of barometer as one of PMD, from range 850 hPa to 1050 hPa has been performed to analyze the influence of those two methods to the calibration results and the difficulty or ease in measurement pr…

Nanometrology, which is dimensional metrology on the nanometer scale, is rapidly gaining importance. In Nanometrology, length standard traceable measurements are required to certify the values obtained from measurements. Standard Reference Material (SRM) is a sample for calibrating the magnification scale of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The standard are produced by recording a precision, laser-generated, interference pattern using photosensitive materials and other processing steps. This fabrication technique provides an accurate measure of the period of the line-space. Some of the cr…

This study was devoted to investigate the bias due to entrapped air - in the cylindrical tube water - to a web based rain gauge calibrator (WBRGC). This study was carried out in laboratory temperature around 25 °C using experiment method, especially by comparing the massof the water with and without bubbles. The entrapped airusedthe space for1.57 gof 1009 g ofwater if there were no bubbles, so this condition madebiasaround - 0.16 %.This bias was very significant in contributing the uncertainty of WBRGC, where in this case was 3 ml for 966 ml of water (0.31 %). Hence, this bias should be pro…