Sikap profesional seorang guru yang dibutuhkan dalammenghadapi pendidikan di era global ini. Tugas guru tidak hanya untukmengajar tetapi juga untuk mendidik, memelihara, membimbing danmembentuk kepribadian siswa untuk mempersiapkan dan mengembangkansumber daya manusia. Kesalahan seorang guru dalam memahami profesinyaakan berakibat pergeseran fungsi guru secara bertahap. Sehingga akanmenghasilkan hubungan antara guru dan siswa yang pada awalnyamembutuhkan satu sama lain akan berubah menjadi hubungan yang tidakacuh, tidak bahagia dan membosankan.

Perfection of Islam in various sharia rules has two values, namely thevalue of worship and the value of muamalah. Fasting is an attempt to distancethemselves from despicable acts and violates the provisions of Islamic teachings.Fasting is not only oriented toward physical acts of worship, but also acts ofspiritual worship that can save and prosper the people, both physically andspiritually, in this world and the hereafter. The study in this study uses the literaturemethod with descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the study regarding thevalue of Islamic education in Ramadan fasting, it…

This paper tries to understand the "Merdeka Belajar" policy program launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in the light of constructivism philosophy. Constructivism is a philosophi that assumes that knowledge is self-construction. Because the nature and learning outcomes are subjective, and depend on each individual, also uncertain, for one's constructivism entity and are more easily recognized by the term "Clutter Paradigm". There are parallels between what was proclaimed by Mas Minister Nadiem Makarim and the concept of education according to the philo…

Pesantren merupakan warisan luhur para pensyi’ar ajaran dan nilai Islam di bumi nusantara. Khazanah budaya Islam Indonesia harus tetap dilestarikan dan dipertahankan agar tidak kehilangan jati diri. Terbukti, pesantren banyak melahirkan tokoh-tokuh pejuang kemerdekaan, pendiri bangsa dan banyak peran penting lain yang diambil sebagai wujud cinta akan bangsa dan negara. Belakangan, pesantren banyak mengalami tantangan sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman yang menuntut pesantren harus berubah dan memenuhi pendidikan kebutuhan masyarakat. Problematika pendidikan pesantren menjadi bahasan yang…

The discourse on mental health is often an interesting and beneficial discussion across time. There are many developing concepts adopted from western thoughts. The concept offered by Islamic Psychology has not been explored yet. One of them is the concept of mental health from the perspective of Abu Zaid al-Balkhi. This study aims to analyze the concept of Islamic mental health, specifically the thought of Abu Zaid al-Balkhi in the book Maṣāliḥu al-Abdān wa al-Anfus. By using a type of qualitative research with a descriptive-analytical method specifically in describing and anal…

This study discusses the analysis of rewording in the form of stickers with star images, in increasing the duration of sitting endurance for autistic students during the learning process. This study used an experimental method with a single subject research approach. The subject of this study was a class VI autistic student who had a low duration of sitting resistance during the learning process in the classroom. Researchers made observations during seventeen meetings, all data were obtained through observation, interviews and action tests which were presented in graphic form. To measure the d…

Interaction between tradition and religion in Indonesia cannot be denied. Historically, the development of national law was based on three difference laws: customary law, western law (particularly Dutch law), and Islamic law. This affects on the acceptance of the tradition that does not contradict with the religious law.  This paper examines the tradition of hileyiya or funeral ceremony which is prominent among Gorontalo?s society from the sociology of Islamic law perspective. It is a descriptive qualitative research and the data was collected using observation, interviews, and document revie…

In this research, the author critically analyzes a biography of Shaikh ?Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani containing sacred myths. The analyst of sacred myth about ?Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani is based on the approach of applied anthropology to distinguish between the myths that have  positive and negative values for Muslim society. This research then analyzes the authenticity of Tafsir al-Jilani and the epistemology of his inter- pretation. ?Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani is the founder of Qadiriyah. Qadiriyah doctrines has been widely accepted by traditional Muslim groups in Muslim world, so that the study of Tafs…

Socio-religious conflicts that occurred in Tanjungbalai City allegedly caused by the establishment of Buddha Statue. This research aims to reveal how relations between Muslim and Buddhist in Tanjungbalai. This study classified as qualitative research. Fact were obtained through observation, interviews, and document review. The results showed social conflict occurred after the establishment of Buddha Statue. Tanjungbalai as one of ?China town?, to trigger the social jealousy. In addition to the economic factors are controlled by China,  Tanjungbalai City the majority of Muslims, did not accept…

Surakarta is known as the center of Javanese culture with many traditions. On theother hand, this city also brings modern Islamic movements including the movementof the puritan group. The meeting of these two groups has created a unique relationbetween the supporters of the tradition of Java with the puritan group who is againstsuch tradition. This research uses a qualitative approach that aims to reveal therelation between the supporters of the Javanese tradition with puritan, transformationof the traditionalist group to be a puritan, the adaptation strategies of the supporterof Javanese trad…

Currently there is an indication of crisis of self-identity/national­identity. This is remarked by blurred social solidarity, kinship, and so­cial friendliness in line with reinforced materialism values. To re­strenghten self-identity I national-identity, government and society tryto discover values in manuscripts. Manuscripts are past cultural trea­sures that full of noble values. This research aimed to discover and tore-actualize noble values in a manuscript as an improvement and strengthen model of social solidarity, kinship and social friendlinessvalues that tend to blur.This research …

As one of the main subjects in senior high school education, Islamic studies play an important role, even though it is not included in the final exam for third-grade students. Similar to the other teachers, the Islamic studies teacher also has challenges on implementing Islamic education based on the 2013 curriculum. Employing descriptive qualitative method, this research focused on describing what challenges that Islamic studies teachers faced during the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. Data was collected from interview and observation. Data reduction was used as data being analyzed. Th…

Corruption has become a global issue, whereas almost every country, whatever tough or slight it is, got to fight against it. It means that none of single country in the world is corruption free. This study analyzes anti-corruption policies and educational strategies enforced by Indonesian and Japanese Government. Data was collected through documentation and literature review, and to some extent, cultural behaviors of both countries were observed. This study used the theory of legal system by Lawrence M Friedman as an analysis method. The main research questions are: first, how are the Governme…

The symbols contained in a vihara is intentionally used to remind the people to something that is believed, both cultural and spiritual values. This article aims to analyze the meaning and value of spiritual and cultural symbols in Vihara Lotus Surakarta. This is a qualitative research. This article shows that (1) The meaning and value of spiritual symbols in Vihara Lotus can be found on the category of altar and statue which consist of ancestor altar, Amitabha Buddha Altar, Avalokitesvara Altar, Three Buddhas Alta, Si Mien Fo Altar, Maitreya Buddha, Si Da Tian Wang Statues, And Earth Gods. Th…

AbstrakPengawas madrasah merupakan salah satu komponen pendidikan yang berperan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan.Pengawas dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas kependidikan bukan hanya sebagai seorang supervisor pendidikan, namun merangkap pula sebagai konselor, motivator agar tercipta suasana kondusif dalam proses belajar mengajar di madrasah. Oleh karena itu kompetensi kinerja pengawas dalam upaya peningkatan mutu madrasah sangatlah diperlukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kinerja pengawas madrasah dalam: (1) perencanaan progr…

Abstract The dynamics of the religious life relation in Surakarta since the rolling of reformation isinteresting to observe. Social-religious history in Surakarta is grows and develops throughlong-term process, one of them was the birth of Islamic purification movement that has beendoing initiated by Muhammadiyah and MTA.This Research usesqualitative-descriptive method. The research aim to understandthe pattern of relation between Muhammadiyah and MTA, the pattern of cooperationand dispute and factors influenced them in composing the harmony of religious life inSurakarta. Research result show…

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan sistem pencatatan dalam kebijakan akuntansi dan pelaporan keuangan yang diadopsi oleh Yayasan Al-Maruf di Samarinda dan untuk menganalisis bagaimana proses akuntansi menyusun laporan keuangan entitas yang dipelajari, dan membandingkan dengan ketentuan undang-undang Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) No. 45 tentang Pelaporan Keuangan Lembaga Nonprofit. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis melakukan analisis dengan mengumpulkan data, mengintegrasikan, menganalisis dan menganalisis untuk membuat kesimpulan tentang gambaran nyata, kemudian m…

This research is using technique purposive sampling that obtained sample counted 41 companies. Data are derived from capital market directory for firms that issuing right for the year 2009,2010, 2011 and 2012. The analysis uses statistical examination constructively SPSS program 21.  In analyzing to be used paired sample T test. Result of Hypothesis testing indicates that : (1) there was no significant abnormal returns before and after the announcement of the rights issue;  (2) Current ratio statistically not significant before and after the announcement of the rights issue;  (3) Debt…

The purpose of this study to determine, simultaneously, the effect of Organizational Culture, Career Development, and Self-Efficacy on the performance of employees at PT. Pandu Siwi Sentosa Samarinda and know one of the independent variables were the dominant influence on the performance of employees at PT. Pandu Siwi Sentosa Samarinda Basic theory used human resources management by using multiple linear regression analysis tool with 32 samples.  The conclusion of this study: From the multiple linear regression equation is known that all variable values have a positive sign (+) so the or…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perhitungan harga pokok pesanan seragam Poltekkes siswa dengan mengunakan metode full costing pada UD Akbar Tailor. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penentuan harga   pokok pesanan dengan metode full costing metode analisis dalam melakukan pengujian  ini, peneliti menggunakan metode komperatif. Berdasarkan  hasil  penelitian  diketahui  bahwa  perhitungan  harga  pokok  pesanan  pada  UD Akbar Tailor belum sesuai dengan teori akuntansi biaya. Jumlah harga pokok produksi pesanan seragam Polt…