Murabahah berarti jual beli di mana penjual memberitahu pembeli biaya perolehan dan keuntungan yang diinginkannya. Murabahah dalam fiqih awalnya tidak ada berhubungan dengan pembiayaan. Kemudian, digunakan oleh perbankan syariah dengan menambahkan beberapa konsep lain sehingga menjadi bentuk pembiayaan. Aplikasi pembiayaan murabahah pada bank syariah dapat digunakan untuk pembelian barang konsumsi maupun barang dagangan yang pembayarannya dapat dilakukan secara tangguh. Transaksi murabahah yang begitu mendominasi penyaluran dana pada bank syariah yang jumlahnya hampir mencapai tujuh puluh lima…

Indonesia merupakan negara yang dikenal sebagai produsen minyak sawit dunia.  Salah satu produk samping tanaman perkebunan sawit yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal adalah limbah pelepah kelapa sawit.  Kendala utama dalam pemanfaatan pelepah kelapa sawit adalah sifat fisiknya yang keras sehingga tidak bisa langsung dimanfaatkan untuk pakan ternak,  Sehingga diperlukan teknologi pengolahan pelepah kelapa sawit agar bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pakan ternak, salah satunya dengan teknologi cacahan (chopping). Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Universitas Lampung telah memodifikasi dan membuat alat …

Biodiesel is alkyl esters that are produced through alcoholysis or (transesterification) process of triglycerides with methanol or ethanol in the presence of bases.  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the molar ratio and reaction time on the yield and quality of biodiesel from used cooking oil through transesterification process assisted ultrasonic wave at a frequency of 42 kHz.  This research was conducted using waste cooking oil obtained from the cracker factory in Sukarame, Bandar Lampung.  The chemicals used are methanol and NaOH as catalyst (both are of tech…

Conventional drying depend on the weather. It was caused agricultural product damaged, and moldy attack. So we need hybrid dryer with a source of radiation and solar biomass to continuous drying and can be controlled.The  aims of  this research is test performance of ERK hybrid dryer to drying the nutmeg seed during the drying process. Experiments were conducted to determine the distribution of temperature in the dryer  in condition with no material and material conditions. Input of energy derived from biomass combustion in the furnace (evening) and combination of biomass and radiatio…

Land degradationis amajor factor indecreasing the productivity of the land. Themostfrequently land degradationoccurred is due to surface runoff and erosion. One of the causes of the surface runoff and erosion is humantreatment.Human treatment of the land can accelerate or reduce surface runoff and erosion. This study aims todetermine the effect of both tillage systems and herbicide on surface runoff and erosion on crop cassava field inlaboratoriumlapang terpaduAgriculture Faculty,University ofLampung.The experimentwas designas a factorialin randomized complete block design with four block. Thi…

This research was aimed to determine the effect of bleaching method at different bleaching places and type ofwater soaking toward the quality of seaweed. This research uses a randomized factorial design. It consists of 2factors;which are type of bleaching place and type of soaking. At the first factor, there are two levels, namely thelevel of seawater and freshwater. On the second factor there are two levels, namely the level of land soaking andsea soaking. The results of the research showed that the bleaching treatment at sea with the type of sea watersoakingwas thebest treatment based onseve…

Strawberries is one of the horticultural products which have a high economic value however short shelf life. Fruit damaged is mainly caused by  process of respiration and transpiration. One of the manipulation of this factors can be done by coating technique.  The aim of this research was to find out the best coating on strawberries used different concentration of carageenan and glycerol, and observed the changes of physical and chemical on Strawberries during storage. This study used completely randomized design factorial with the first factor of the concentration carrageenan (0.5%, 1%,…

Mechanical damage that occurs in tomatoes only visible and probably most who do not know. Without realizingit experienced mechanical damage tomato fruit will make the tomatoes are not worth selling because the fruit isdamaged. This research aims to determine how much damage suffered mechanical damage tomatoes mechanicalvibrated at different times. Varieties of tomatoes used are tomato gondol at the age of 70-80 days of harvest. Inthis research, tomatoes put in a storage container as much as 3 squares and vibrated at different times. As manyas 20% of tomatoes which can not be used in the resear…

Fertilizer is a material that can add nutrients to soil.  Phosphate is one of essential elements of fertilizer for plants. Ultrasonic waves can potentially be used as a method to dissolve phosphorus from phosphate stone, by means of immersion in water and gived of ultrasonic waves.  The aim of this study was to analyze the P content from phosphate stone that was dissolved in water and the excited by ultrasonic waves.  The tests were the concentration of phosphate in water of 30, 60, and 90%, and the duration of ultrasonic wave (60 kHz) of 15, 30, and 60 minutes.  The parameters obs…

The processing of cassava becoming tapioca flour will produce solid fiber waste called as onggok.  Onggok can be used as raw material for making onggok flour.  One of the processing steps on the producing of onggok flour is drying.  In common practice, solar dryer is used but it takes long time and strongly depends on weather.  The hybrid dryer (solar electrical energy), solar radiation dryer, and electrical dryer would be used in this research.  The aims of this study were to determine and to compare whiteness degree, the degree of acidity (pH), and the characteristics of onggo…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi irigasi defisit pada padi gogo (Oryza sativa L) varietas inpago 9.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di dalam rumah plastik, laboratorium lapang  terpadu, Universitas Lampung pada bulan November 2016 sampai dengan Maret 2017.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat taraf perlakuan, yaitu perlakuan ID1 ((0-20)-100)% AW,ID2 ((0-20)-80)% AW, ID3 ((0-20)-60)% AW, ID4 ((0-20)-40)% AW, dengan lima kali ulangan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, perlakuan irigasi defisit pada padi gogo (Oryza sativa L)…

In Indonesia , the violence case in household is increasing. As we  Know women are weak creatures, so they can easily be an object or victims the violence in hose hold. The number of cases caught is not as many as the one actually occurs, because the case is still considered as the household affair that does not deserve to be known by public. Patriarchy culture becomes one of obstacles for the victim, most of them are women, to report violence they experience to the police due to a great number of law do not help the women remaining, and the law apparatus not sensitive to the gender in handli…

Sedimentasi sungai yaitu proses pengendapan suatu material – material yang terangkut aliran air sungai dan dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya delta sungai, sedangkan sedimen merupakan batuan yang terbentuk karena proses pelapukan, erosi, transportasi, dan deposisi (pengerasan) yang terjadi pada suatu wilayah aliran sungai. Delta sungai yang terjadi karena proses sedimentasi tersebut dapat mengurangi jumlah debit air yang terbawa, sehingga kebutuhan irigasi di daerah hilir tidak bisa terpenuhi secara maksimal karena terhalang oleh penumpukan delta. Karakteristik sedimentasi di hilir terjadi …

Pasar  tanjung  merupakan  pasar  rakyat  terbesar  dijember  dengan  luas  ±24.970  m2,yang berlokasi  disebelah  selatan    Jl.trunojoyo,  sebelah  utara  Jl.untung  suropati,  sebelah  timurJl.dokter  wahidin  dan  sebelah  barat  Jl.  Samanhudi.  Dari  tahun  ketahun  animo  pedagang maupunkonsumensemakinmeningkatjumlahnya.sehinggakebutuhanfasilitasparkirdidalampasarsemakinmeningkat.Studiinibertujuanuntukmerencanakanareaoffstreetparkinguntuk kendaraan  roda2dengan  menganalisakarakteris…

The territory of Indonesia, including areas prone to disasters, especially geological natural disasters, is caused by Indonesia's position located at the confluence of 3 (three) world tectonic plates. One of the geological natural disasters that often occurs in Indonesia is an earthquake. The Meotel by Dafam Jember building deserves to be analyzed by the pushover analysis method because it is a multi-storey building that is 10 floors so it must have earthquakeresistance as tectonic activity increases in Indonesia. The study was conducted with the help of SAP2000 v.20 software.…

Indonesia's geological condition has earthquake potential that covers most of its territory. To reduce the risk of disaster, it needs earthquake resistant building construction. Generally in existing calculations, the calculation of earthquake loading that is assigned to the ETABS program or SAP 2000 is the result of manual data input and placed at the center of each floor by assuming the upper and lower structure (foundation) are separate. In fact, the structure and the ground (foundation) become a unity.The study was conducted by analyzing the magnitude of the reaction due to conventional an…

Tol lenmore Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan jalan raya yang berbatasan dengan Tol Kalibaru dan Tol Genteng Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Seperti diketahui, Tol Glenmore Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan perempatan timur berbagai destinasi. Misalnya kendaraan berat (angkutan) dari pulau Jawa menuju pulau Bali atau sebaliknya yang akan melewati jalan raya Glenmore kabupaten Banyuwangi khususnya pada KM 250 - KM.252 ini. Kendaraan berat yang melewati jalan raya Glenmore di kabupaten Banyuwangi memiliki tujuan berbeda. Kendaraan berat yang melewati jalan raya Glenmore di kabupaten Banyuwangi memiliki tujuan b…

Indonesia  merupakan  negara dalam  masa  berkembang  pembangunannya  dimana prasaranayang dibangun tidak lepas dari tanah bidang miring atau lereng, seperti pembangunan perumahan dan pembuatan Embankment untuk jalan Tol. Menyikapi kejadian ini penulis melakukan analisa stabilitas lereng dengan dan tanpa perkuatan melalui pemodelan di laboratorium. Ada beberapa jenis perkuatan tanah, salah satunya menggunakan perkuatan Geotextile,   penggunaan  Geotextile  dapat  meningkatkan  stabilitas  lereng.  Penelitian  ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilita…

The plan for the construction of the Jalan Lintas Selatan (JLS) of Jember is the access of the southern road of Jember along 83,510 kilometers. JLS crossed 7 districts, which were Kencong, Gumukmas, Puger, Wuluhan, Ambulu, Tempurejo and Silo. As for Silo through Mulyorejo along 17.910 kilometers. Field conditions in JLS Mulyorejo are Perhutani land and farm village. The purpose and objectives of the Final Project (4 research sites) are to plan geometric and pavement thickness at JLS in Mulyorejo village with potential area with coffee and banana plants. In addition, Mulyorejo Village has a pro…

lower. This obstacle is usually another way such as roads water or ordinary traffic. On planning and bridge work Planning the Structure of the Bottom can not be ignored.Part of the bridge structure is located at the bottom of very decisive for the strength and security of the building thereon.And for a direct link between the structure of the bridge structure under the bridge is the “Abutment” which is included on the structure under the bridge.Abutments of a building that serves to continue the load.Loading code that is used to plan bridge this refers to Indonesian…