Mataair merupakan pemusatan aliran airtanah yang keluar di permukaan. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan munculnya mataair di antaranya kontak antar formasi geologi dan perubahan tekuk lereng. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah a) menginventarisasi mata air yang terdapat di kecamatan Gemawang; b) menguji kualitas air pada mataair yang terdapat di kecamatan Gemawang; c) mengetahui upaya konservasi mata air yang dilakukan masyarakat dan Pemerintah Daerah Kecamatan Gemawang; d) mengetahui penggunaan kebutuhan air domestik setiap desa yang terdapat di kecamatan Gemawang. Metode yang digunakan dal…
Ketersediaan data dan informasi pulau yang lengkap, akurat dan mutakhir dapat menjadi referensi bagi pemerintah dalam mengembangkan potensi pulau-pulau di wilayah Indonesia. Tim Nasional Pembakuan Nama Rupabumi (TNPNR) telah membakukan sejumlah 13.466 nama dalam gasetir pulau Indonesia tahun 2013, termasuk di antaranya 35 pulau di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Kegiatan validasi (survei lapangan) yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2016 menemukan adanya ketidaksesuaian dalam toponimi maupun status existing pada beberapa pulau di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Kesalahan toponimi pulau dapat merujuk ke suatu lokasi …
The city of Jakarta is famous because the traffic jams, so the transportation sector needs special attention. Based on data from the Jakarta Transportation Management Agency, of the 47.5 million trips in Jakarta City, only 24% used public transportation. The Jakarta City Government has provided public transportation modes, namely the MRT. This mode of transportation offers a basic concept of TOD, area around the 400 meter buffer from the station can be accessed by walking. This concept has been developed in various cities on the Continent of Europe and America. The space conditions in a TOD ba…
Selain perubahan penggunaan lahan di DAS Serayu Hulu, aktivitas pertanian holtikultura dalam skala besar terindikasi sebagai faktor yang mengakibatkan semakin cepatnya proses sedimentasi yang terjadi di bagian hilir waduk PLTA. Semakin tingginya laju sedimentasi tersebut dapat menjadi masalah serius untuk PLTA karena dapat memperpendek umur reservoir dari waktu yang telah diestimasikan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan dapat menjadi semakin parah jika penerapan konservasi lahan masih terbatas dan perubahan penggunaan lahan terus berlangsung. Hal ini mendorong terjadinya erosi. Salah satu situasi yang k…
Pencemaran udara merupakan permasalahan penting yang banyak terjadi di daerah perkotaan. WHO menyatakan 91% manusia di dunia menghirup udara tidak sehat. Kota Bandung sebagai kota metropolitan terus mengalami peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk yang menyebabkan peningkatan luas lahan terbangun dan penurunan luas area hijau. Hal ini menimbulkan permasalahan penurunan kualitas udara. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis secara spasial distribusi polutan di Kota Bandung dan hubungannya dengan pola persebaran suhu permukaan daratan, kerapatan bangunan dan kerapatan vegetasi. Metode yang digunakan pa…
Penelitian ini melaporkan penerapan pemodelan hidrologi, HEC-HMS, terintegrasi dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) untuk mengkaji hubungan curah hujan dan debit aliran dengan kasus DAS Ciliwung Hulu. Data spasial curah hujan yang diperoleh dari data radar digunakan dalam proses simulasi curah hujan-debit aliran dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan hasil simulasi menggunakan data curah hujan hasil observasi. Analisis hasil simulasi curah hujan-debit aliran dianalisis dengan pendekatan spasial, yaitu membandingkan perbedaan dan persamaan antar sub DAS. Simulasi dilakukan untuk kejadian banjir ta…
This aim of this study was determine the effect of different crude protein in the ration on performance KUB chicken finisher period. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 8 replications, each replication consisted of 4 chickens (unsex) 9 weeks old with 9,33% diversity coefficient. The study was conducted for 4 weeks in July 2017--August 2017 at the cage of B Field Integrated Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The treatment given in this study was diet with crude protein content R0: 14,13%, R1: 11,30% and R2: 8,38% with 8 replicat…
The aim of research to know the effect of cutting age on moisture, ash, and crude fat of Indigofera zollingeriana. The study was done based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments in this study were : 1) U40 (40 days of cutting age), 2) U50 (50 days of cutting age), and 3) U60 (60 days of cutting age). Indigofera zollingeriana being cuts for the first time at 1 m height from the ground surface and plots of land measuring 3 x 3 m2 and is harvested at a different age. The results showed that the effect of cutting age significantly (P <…
This study aims to determine the effect of bilimbi fruit liquid (Avverhoa Blimbli L) towards physical quality broiler. This research carried out on March, 2017 housed in the Laboratory Animal Production and Reproduction, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The material of research used broiler meat from Karang Anyar Farm.This study used analysis descriptive based on frequency with four treatments and five replications, none of blimbi fruit (P0), bilimbi fruit liquid 20% (P1), bilimbi fruit liquid 40% (P2), and bilimbi fruit liquid 60% (P3). The obse…
The purpose of the research to determined the effect of soaking beef in various concentration of ginger blend and determined the best concentration of ginger blend on pH, water holding capacity, and cooking loss on beef. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Production and Reproduction, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Meat samples obtained from RPH Z-Beef Indonesia. The treatment used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications. Treatments are in the form of concentration of ginger blend 0%, 10%,…
The research aimed to determine the effect of: 1) the number of Leucocytes female ducks by L-Lysine and DL-Methionin at different levels; 2) the number of Leucocytes deferensial female ducks by L-Lysine and DL-Methionin at different levels. Examination of the number of Leucocytes and the differential leukocyte conducted in December 2016-January 2017 at the Laboratory Veteriner Region III Office of Bandar Lampung. This study using the completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. Number of female ducks used as many as 60 birds to 12 the number of plots cages so that e…
This research aims to know the effect about gastrointestinal worm infestation on body weight of goat Saburai in Gedong Tataan District Pesawaran Lampung Province. This research was conducted in August - September 2017. Testing of Mc Master and Sedimentation Test at Parasitology Laboratory, Lampung Veterinary Center. This study uses 83 goats Saburai Goat found in livestock group Gedong Tataan district Pesawaran Regency Lampung Province. The data were made in tabulation and analyzed by t-test. The results indicate that goat Saburai infestation by gastrointestinal worms in the group of …
This study aims to determined the effect of giving rations with different of herbs dosages on external quality of crossbred chicken eggs and to find out the best dosage of herbs in ration that affect the external quality of crossbred chicken eggs. This research was conducted in September 2018 in the poultry house of the Integrated Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The chickens used were crossbred chickens between male Lohmann brown and female kampong (3/4 Lohmann brown +1/4 kampong) layer phase aged (48 weeks) as many as 20 chickens. The experimental …
The purpose of study is to know that physical quality of milk from Crossbreed Ettawa goats lactation period I—IV, those were organoleptic test, specific gravity test, and pH test in Sungai Langka Village Gedong Tataan Subdistrict Pesawaran District. This research was conducted method of purposive sampling with goat milk sampling as much as 250 ml on each lactation period I--IV and livestock recording data using questionnaire. Steps in this study begin from sampling through the milking process on each 15 Crossbreed Ettawa goats, followed by organoleptic test, specific gravity test, and pH tes…
The aims of research to know the effect of the different crude protein ration to the performance of KUB chicken. The research was conducted in July to August 2017 in the poultry cage Integrated Field Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, University of Lampung. The chicken used in this research were 95 chicken at the age of 4--8 weeks old. Trial design that used is Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 8replications. Every trial unit consist of 4 KUB chickens. The treatment is used the ration with the crude protein of P0 : 15,60%; P1 : 12,81%; P2 : 10,05%. The data…
The research held on Candipuro Districk South Lampung Regency in December 2017--January 2018. This research was to know prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths on Balinese cattle. The research used survey method. Data collection was done by taking all faecal samples from 80 balinese cattles at 6 villages in Candipuro District. Faecal samples examination checked with Mc. Master and Sendimentation test at Veterinary Laboratory. Data was analyzed by descriptively. In result indicated that prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths balinese cattle at Candipuro District South Lampung Regency…
In this study a review of the existing Bellman-Ford Algorithm by conducting tests to see the accuracy of the route data or the shortest route. In this study there are fifth locations that will be tested to see whether the route is really in accordance with the actual situation. The shortest path is part of the field of graph theory. If a graph has weight, then in the case of the shortest route, how can we do the minimization of the total weight of the route. This is what was done in this study to see how optimal the Bellman-Ford Algorithm is in handling the shortest route so that it is more ac…
Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM) Kota Yogyakarta memiliki sekolah berjumlah 60 unit dari jenjang SD, SMP sampai dengan SMA. Kondisi ini memastikan bahwa jumlah guru sekolah Muhammadiyah Kota Yogyakarta sangat banyak. Pemberdayaan guru menjadi penting dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Untuk melakukan pengelolaan guru tersebut akan lebih mudah jika melibatkan SI/TI. Namun penerapan SI/TI pada suatu organisasi/institusi tidak dapat dipastikan berhasil dalam hal penyediaan data atau informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi/institusi apabila tidak dilakukan dengan perencanaan yan…
Anggapan masyarakat tentang gas LPG seperti melihat suatu hal yang menakutkan karena kabar tak sedap salah satunya adalah kebakaran akibat gas bocor. Gudang gas LPG saat ini sering ditemui belum menggunakan alat-alat yang mendukung untuk memonitoring penyimpanan gas LPG. Teknologi moderen berbasis internet sering kali ditemui karena internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini. Salah satunya teknologi jarak jauh berbasis internet dapat mendorong peminat masyarakat, karena kemudahan dalam mengakses halaman website dan pengiriman data. Peran teknologi jarak jauh dianalisa dapat membantu …
Sistem pengenalan jenis bunga berbasis komputer merupakan proses memasukkan informasi berupa citra jenis bunga ke dalam komputer. Perlu adanya sistem yang handal dan cerdas untuk melaksanakan tugas tersebut.Pada penelitian ini kamera handphone dimanfaatkan untuk akuisisi data citra jenis bunga. Selanjutnya dilakukan pre-processing (grayscale dan cropping) terhadap citra, untuk ektraksi ciri (histogram warna citra dan statistik orde 1), dan pengklasifikasi jarak (manhattan dan Euclidean). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 2 tahap yaitu penentuan pola standar dan pengujian. Data yang digunak…