Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat robot agar dapat mengenali objek yang berbeda berdasarkan bentuk dan warna yang terdapat pada arena dengan menggunakan hasil data pengolahan mini komputer Odroid XU4 untuk dapat digabungkan dengan perangkat arduino dengan perantara USB to serial untuk mengatur perilaku robot. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan kamera sebagai sensor, mini komputer Odroid XU4 sebagai pemroses citra dan pengirim data perintah ke sistem utama yaitu arduino nano dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C++. Robot yang digunakan adalah miniatur robot pemadam api dengan penggerak…
Sistem presensi mahasiswa saat ini masih banyak dilakukan dengan penandatanganan lembar kehadiran secara manual. Hal ini tentu saja dinilai lambat dan kurang efisien, baik dari segi waktu maupun proses pengolahan datanya. Presensi manual juga dapat menimbulkan gangguan dan memecah konsentrasi mahasiswa saat melaksanakan perkuliahan. Masalah tersebut dapat mengganggu fokus mahasiswa dalam mendengarkan pemaparan materi perkuliahan oleh dosen karena buku presensi harus digulirkan kepada setiap mahasiswa. Sistem presensi mahasiswa berbasis RFID menggunakan Raspberry Pi diharapkan mampu menangani m…
Tingginya intensitas terjadinya petir menyebabkan  sambaran petir pada saluran daya listrik, khususnya saluran distribusi yang jumlahnya sangat banyak. Karakteristik gelombang surja (tegangan lebih) yang dihasilkan oleh sambaran petir dapat berubah akibat impedans saluran distribusi. Pemasangan arester diharapkan dapat melindungi transformator sebagai peralatan utama sistem kelistrikan terhadap gelombang surja. Terdapat dua macam arester, silicon carbide (SiC) dan zinc oxide (ZnO). Arester dengan bahan ZnO banyak menggantikan arester dengan bahan SiC karena dianggap lebih baik dalam memberi…
Data mining adalah proses untuk mengekstrak informasi tersembunyi menjadi sebuah pengetahuan. Beberapa jenis data dalam data mining adalah web mining, text mining, sequence mining, graph mining, temporal data mining, mining spatial data, Mining data terdistribusi dan multimedia mining. Pengelompokan dokumen merupakan salah satu teknik dari text mining. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun aplikasi pengelompokkan judul penelitian dosen menggunakan metode shared nearest neighbor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian merupakan salah satu metode pengelompokkan dalam text mining yaitu sha…
Multilevel inverter hadir untuk memperbaiki inverter yang sudah ada sebagai pengubah tegangan DC menjadi AC. Perbaikan dilakukan untuk menghasilkan output yang memiliki kualitas tinggi dengan frekuensi switching yang rendah. Terdapat tiga tipe multilevel inverter yaitu: diode-clamped, fliying capacitor, dan tipe jembatan penuh. Multilevel inverter tipe jembatan penuh memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan tipe lain karena konstruksi dan pengaturan/kendalinya yang sederhana. Teknik modulasi yang banyak digunakan untuk multilevel inverter adalah menggunakan teknik Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SP…
Bertambahnya pertumbuhan industri, penggunaan alat elektronik untuk kebutuhan kantor dan rumah tangga menjadi kontribusi peningkatan konsumsi energi pada setiap tahunnya sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan pemborosan pemakaian energi yang berdampak pada lingkungan dan pemanasan global. Pengendalian konsumsi energi listrik oleh pemerintah dan organisasi peduli ingkungan melalui kampanye kesadaran hemat energi pada masyarakat dinilai belum cukup efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini membuat purwarupa sistem embedded cerdas yang dapat mengendalikan penggunaan peralatan elektronik menggunakan metode Log…
This study was conducted with the aim to determine whether the influence of core self-evaluations on job satisfaction is mediated by career commitment at PT Sinar Sosro employees. Sampling method used is convenience sampling by using sampling of 100 employees of PT Sinar Sosro. Data analysis method used in this research is path analysis method and using multiple regression analysis. Results of data processing using spss 22.0. The results of this study indicate that the influence of core self-evaluations on job satisfaction is mediated by career commitment at PT Sinar Sosro employees. Core self…
Multinational Companies always make sell and purchase transactions using foreign currency that has been agreed before. Stability foreign currency in transaction is what company expectations. Financial performance is one things can be affected because of the change in value of foreign currency. Return on Asset is a ratio looking at the company profit with total asset owned by the company. Return on Equity is a ratio looking the company profit with total equity / companyâs capital in operational activities.One of the multinational company and located in Indonesia is PT Indofood Sukses Makmu…
This study aims to examine antecedent variables on turnover intention of PT PATRA JASA employees, with independent variables are commitment organizational, job satisfaction, person organization fit and work stress factor, while the independent variable which is the intention of turnover.Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 60 employees of PT PATRA JASA Jakarta. Sampling method used is convenience sampling. The results show that partially commitment organization has negative significant effect on turnover intention, job satisfaction has negative significant effect on turnover i…
LaLumiere Pictures is a business engaged in a film and television field and a part of creative, entertainment, and media industry. LaLumiere Pictures is a production house (company) that provide production services in film, TV series, and video. LaLumiere Pictures has a vision to be a superior and totality production house in helping of creating the work of âmoving picturesâ as media for entertainment through quality and productive creativity. LaLumiere Picturesâ mission is to participate of produce a creative workâeither it a film and a TV series basis on the relevant idea…
The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of current ratio (RO), return on assets (ROA), and firm size of Bond Rating (PO) in non-financial companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2016 either partially or simultaneously. This research uses quantitative approach with multiple regression analysis. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling method that produces 9 companies as research sample. The results of this study indicate that partially Return on Assets has a significant positive effect on the rating of Bonds. Current Ratio has significant negative effect on Bond …
Turnaround is an improvement effort done by management to restore company performance that experiencing financial distress. This study aims to determine the effect of corporate financial performance (Îseverity), firm size and free assets on the success of company turnaround. Discriminant analysis is used to determine company that experiencing financial distress. Logistic regression analysis is used to determine the factors that influencing the success of company turnaround. Data are from companies in food and beverage industry listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2011 â 2015…
The product of four-wheel vehicles in the market during this period is very much in number. Similarly, with various features offered by each manufacturer. Without asserting the differentiating value of a brand, of course, consumers will have difficulty to recognize a product. This difficulty will make it easier for consumers to move to other products. One way to explain the difference of a product is to know the brand personality of a product. This study aims to determine the factors that explain the brand personality of Mitsubishi Outlander Sport vehicles.This research uses factor analysis me…
Bond is a financial assets investment instrument in capital market that is relatively new when compared to stock. In Indonesia, the research related to bonds, especially yield spread is very limited, thus it encourages author to analyze yield spread behavior based on several predictors such as SBI rate, bonds rating, return on equity (ROE), debt to equity ratio (DER) and macaulay duration. Multiple linear analysis method which is applicated to cross section data in this research shows that bonds rating and macaulay duration have a significant effect to yield spread on corporate bonds in financ…
Sulam alis âfeelthebrowsâ is a business that do an eyebrow embroidery and located at East Jakarta. Feelthebrows is offering a service for eyebrow embroidery to fulfill what people need especially woman who wants to look more beautiful and appealing. Feelthebrows offer three variant of eyebrow embroidery, there are microblading, misty powder, and micropowder. The calculations NPV of this business for five years is Rp 2.305.694.328 and the result is positive, so its worth it to run this business. Keywords : eyebrow embroidery, service, woman
This study aims to investigate the effect of exchange rate and previous period index price of LQ45 towards LQ45 index. This study is done by utilizing ARCH/GARCH model with the specification EGARCH using the daily historical data during the 2010-2015 periods. The result of this study shows indicates that exchange rate and the index price of previous period significantly affect LQ45 index. Furthermore, there is only one company listed in LQ45, PT. Jasa Marga which transactions and financing did not using any foreign currency.Keywords: EGARCH, Exchange Rate, LQ45.
This research is in the background by the importance of parents' role as the first and foremost educator for the child to motivate their children in order to increase the seriousness of learning. When children learn should always get attention and guidance from parents. Parents must meet the children's learning needs and always give motivation, otherwise it will be difficult to familiarize the child to learn this research using a qualitative approach that has the characteristics of: natural background And researchers as a key source, and research is descriptive. The results of the study …
Primary education can build the students? character through many kinds of learning sources. Learning sources is anything which can be used to optimalize the result of the study. It can be seen not only from the result but also the process of students? interaction with many kinds of learning sources which can motivate them to study and increase their understanding in a certain lesson. The use of learning sources can be used as one of ways in developing the students? character. There are several ways in using learning sources in MI Nurul Islam Mirigambar and MI Hidayatul Mubtadiin Wates Sumberge…
Education is a tool to prepare learners in order to carry out their roles and duties in the future. Religious education is one of the curricula that must be taught in every educational institution. The curriculum is designed to form a faithful and devoted Indonesian man to God Almighty and has a noble character and is able to maintain peace and harmony between inter-religious and inter-religious relations. By looking at the function of religious education as such, Islamic religious education institutionalized education is expected to take a role in order to maintain peace and harmony amidst he…
Madrasah as part of educational institution that appear in Indonesia, that madrasah has been long participated in improving human resources and educating life of the Indonesian people. The other hand madrasah is madrasah diniyah. As part of Islamic educational institutions, madrasas diniyah also manages several things that related to the educational components such as the management of student or learner. This research used the descriptive-qualitative of paradigm approach. The results of the research showed that The first Diniyyah Madrasah Haji Ya?qub has been able to implement some thin…