Inequality of income distribution is affected by the economic and non economic factorssuch as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), population (POP), Unemployment Rate (TPT)and Degree of Fiscal Decentralization (DDF). This study aims to determine the effect ofthe GDP, population, unemployment rate and the degree of fiscal decentralization to theunequal distribution of income partially and simultaneously at the 5% significance level.The research data used in the form of data crossection in 6 provinces in Java with a datatime series in 2009 - 2015. The data was processed with panel data analysis wit…
This Research aims to examine and obtain empirical evidence of the effect of the Return On Investment, relevance and timeliness of the value of the stock price at the manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2008 - 2012. Variables tested in this study is the stock price, ROI, Relevance and Timeliness value. Data collection techniques in this study with technical documentation. The sample of this study using the 106 companies included in the list IDX row from 2008-2012 which were taken by using purposive sampling method. In this study the data that will be used is secon…
Kinerja adalah serangkaian perilaku pekerja yang memberikan kontribusi, baik secara positif maupun negative Dalam era persaingan global, untuk bisa eksis produk yang dihasilkan diperlukan, Untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan, hal penting yang harus dilakukan yaitu mengetahui bagaimana kepribadian karyawan itu sendiri, salah satu aspeknya yaitu locus of control, sebab penggunaan tenaga kerja yang efektif dan terarah merupakan kunci dari peningkatan kinerja karyawan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Locus of control kinerja karyawan Bank Syariah Mandiri KC Padang. Dengan hasil pene…
This article aims to analyze cultural intelligence in the problem-solving process with a focus on the study of the role of cultural intelligence for counselors and counselors in counseling services. Intensive literature review of the role of cultural intelligence in counseling services is a research methodology of this paper. Therefore, this paper is expected to contribute to the development of science in the field of problem-solving assistance services, especially cross-cultural counseling services. This paper is expected to be one of the treasures of multicultural competence development in t…
Learning difficulty is a barrier in a learning process which is faced by students so he/she cannot achieve academical achievement that he/she wants, Meanwhile social interaction is a mutual relationship process or interaction between 2 or more individuals which affect each other as individual developmental step in social situation in anywhere they live. This study was conducted to obtain how much the frequency distribution of learning difficulties and social interaction and also the students individual description who have learning difficulties and social interaction problems. Participants amo…
This study aims to determine the increase in discipline of learning santri through guidance and counseling. The scope of the study refers to: obedience at the time of entrance of activities, obedience and compliance to the rules in the pesantren, completing the tasks of teachers in boarding schools, coaching sanctions for those who violate. The research method using Descriptive Qualitative Research, with data collection techniques in the form of observation and interview. The subjects of the study were santri in Pondok Pesantren Al-Hadi Min Ahlisunnah Wal Jamaah Pekalongan. The results showed …
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the intensity of parents guidance with speaking ethic among adolescents.. This research was conducted at Madrasah TsanawiyahAlbidayah. The research design used is correlational research. The population in this study each of 162 people from students and parents with a sample of each 40 people from students and parents. Data collection techniques were conducted using a questionnaire. The correlation coefficient found was 0.421 at the medium category. So there is a moderate level of correlation between the intensity of parents gui…
Guidance and counseling in Indonesia has been established since the 1970s. Despite all the obstacles in itâs aplication, guidance and counseling continuously to develop. Since that counselor profession has taken a role in order to serve optimizing the potency of the counselee. Along with the globalization, the role of the counselor becomes increasingly important, in conjunction with the problems faced by the counselor. Goverment through professional organization have develop a standardized guideline to meet the inherent expectations of the counselor profession. Through this article the au…
The strength of character and virtue become an important goal for individual personal development. The strength of character and virtue influence each other. Virtue can have many different strengths of character, the more a person has the character of every virtue, then the individual can be said to have a good character. In counseling and guidance services also have clear goals to help develop optimally the potential of learners who are characterized, so that in every counseling oriented so that learners can develop the potential that exists in him, succeeded in accordance with his ability an…
The long-term goal of this research is the implementation of the development of service guidelines to increase student learning commitment so that they are able to support the optimal development and learning process, and are ready to face various challenges in the life process in the future. The specific objective of this research is to get a real picture of the profile of the development of learning commitment of high school students in the Indihiang District of Tasikmalaya District and the effectiveness of experiential based counseling services to increase student learning commitment. This …
The purpose of this study was to determine the enthusiasm of students in group guidance in schools to develop the strength of the character of simplicity (temprance) and to find out its implications for guidance and counseling. The researcher observed the character of equality to eight respondents who were given group guidance treatment then gave quantification with the instrument in the form of a Likert scale questionnaire that was calculated cumulatively. To see the difference in the strength of the character of simplicity, researchers compared the strength of character with students from th…
Career confusion can inhibit confidence in determining the goals of future plans. Information on the characteristics of self-efficacy career decision making is needed as an effort to develop one's behavior and skills. Self-efficacy is the individual's trust in his ability to do something. The process of identifying previous journals through searches in the last 16 years (2000-2017) through electronic media, books, Google Scholar, Elsevier, and Sage. The results showed the characteristics of self-efficacy career decision making in adolescents were self-assessment, job information, goal selectio…
The purpose of the study was to reveal the level of sense of school belonging in Yogyakarta City State Vocational High School students. Sense of school belonging is a feeling of being personally accepted, respected, recognized, supported, cared for, treated fairly and a feeling of happiness and safety in the school environment. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. Data collection techniques use the sense of school belonging scale which was adapted from The Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) Scale developed by Carol Goodenow. Data analysis uses quantita…
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei terhadap persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelaksanaan studi khusus pada Program Pendidikan Seni rupa Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar, dilakukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi, angket, dan wawancara. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1)Â pelaksanaan studi khusus terhadap Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Rupa Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar dan (2) faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan studi khusus terhadap Mahasiswa Program Studi Seni Rupa Fakultas Seni dan Desain U…
Proses pembelajaran Pendidikan seni rupa sebagai usaha mencapai tujuan pendidikan berlangsung dalam suatu proses pembelajaran untuk mengalihkan pengetahuan yang erat dengan kandungan estetika, artistik, sikap dan keterampilan terhadap peserta didik di Sekolah Dasar. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk memaparkan dan menjelaskan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, fungsi berbagai media pembelajaran, hakikat yang dicapai bagi siswa setelah belajar mengikuti proses belajar mengajar, mengembangkan kreativitas penciptaan berkarya seni rupa terhadap siswa, mengapresiasi hasil karya siswa, memperagakan …
This research is qualitative descriptive research aimed to describe: (1) strategy used by lecturers in developing creative imagination of students of Art Education Study Program of Faculty of Arts and Design of Universitas Negeri Makassar through Development of Mixedmedia painting; (2) understanding of students in realizing mixed media painting. Population and sample in this research were all works made by students participating in the painting III courses in Art Education Program in the odd semester of the academic year 2015/2016. The object in this research was the work result of student exp…
Berdasarkan data amatan mengenai pembelajaran mahasiswa program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual pada Fakultas Seni dan Desain, disebutkan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengintegrasikan sofwere berbasis tiga dimensi dan komunikasi mahasiswa terkait dengan dunia pasar kurang memedai (Aswar: Dosen DKV-FSD), hal ini terlihat pada hasil studi mata kuliah desain komunikasi 2, dan 3 semester ganjil yang dieksekusi dalam suatu kegiatan pameran akhir semester di program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual (Kampus FSD-Parang tambung, Januari 2017), bahkan salah satu dosen FSD (Sofyan Salam: Guru bes…
Seni Pop Art atau Populer Art merupakan seni populer aliran seni dipengaruhi fenomena sosial maupun budaya yang berkembang di masyarakat. Kehadiran seni Pop Art pada tahun 1960-an di Amerika dan Inggris, budaya pada zaman itu mengaitkan unsur gaya/style yang diusungnya. Gaya Pop Art divisualisasikan pada bentuk karya dimanfaatkan oleh dunia industri khususnya desainer grafis Indonesia diwujudkan pada pakaian menargetkan anak muda sebagai calon konsumen, terlepas dari trend pengunaan teknik, material serta bentuk yang jadi sasaran produksi dalam dunia industri di Indonesia. Sumber ide pada penc…
Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang aplikasi digital yang mempermudah transaksi dalam pembelanjaan isi ulang galon, mengutamakan tampilan visual dengan desain yang modern dan komunikatif yang mengangkat konsep visual yang modern dengan gaya flat design. Jenis penelitian adalah perancangan desain dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka, dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian perancangan ini setelah data dikumpulkan dilakukan telaah analisis yang mencakup gaya-gaya desain, layout, tipografi, dan warna sehingga menciptakan konsep yang diinginkan. Penelitian pera…
ABSTRAKPerancangan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang factual, pesan yang disampaikan memberi penerangan, aktraktif untuk dilihat dan terjangkau oleh orang banyak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu melakukan riset yang bersifat deskriptif dan cenderung menggunakan analisis dengan pendekatan induktif, data yang diperoleh dari kajian kepustakaan, observasi, wawancara yang dilakukan dengan pemuka adat dan dokumentasi. Pada konsep perancangan media utama, dimulai dari pembuatan naskah, storyline, storyboard, sketsa elemen visual, shooting, recording, editing hingga pros…