Urbanisasi adalah permasalahan yang cukup serius bagi pemerintah kota Jakarta. Jakarta seakan-akanmenjadi tempat dimana parakaum urban bermimpi untukmendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak. Salah satu kendala para kaum urban sangat susah mencari informasi suatu pekerjaan, apakah ada atau tidak lowongan pekerjaan di Jakarta, mereka sama sekali tidak mengetahui karena tidak adanya suatu situs khusus tempat berkumpulnya informasi tentang lowongan pekerjaan dan didukung olehteknologi pencarian berbasis web semantik. Selama ini informasi lowongan pekerjaanyang ada di Jakarta tersebar di situs-…

Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah memberikan dampak yang sangat  luasdalamberbagaibidang kehidupan, termasuk pada  pengelolaanpemerintahandan pelayanan publik. Teknologiinformasi dan komunikasi pada bidangpemerintahan, dikenal dengan istilah electronic government atau e-government.Berbagai lembaga pemerintahan, baikpusat maupun daerah sebagian besar telahmengadopsi teknologi e-government dalam pengelolaan pemerintahan. Implementasi e-government di negara-negara maju telah menunjukkan keberhasilan yang luar biasa, pelayanan publik yang dilakukan telahmemberikan kepuasa…

Pada penelitian ini kami membahas tentang bagaimana cara menentukan posisi siaga car lift yang tepat untuk memanfaatkan penghematan energi pada sistem kerja lift.Penentuan posisi siaga car lift iniditinjau dari banyaknya aktivitas para pengguna lift yang berbeda-beda di setiap lantai. Kami menggunakan dua model pengamatan dalampenentuan posisi siaga pada sistem kerja lift di gedung Graha Simatupang. Berdasarkan kedua model tersebut kami mencoba mengoptimalkan penghematan waktu dan energiyang akan dibutuhkan lift pada jam-jam  pengoperasian lift. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan solusi untuk …

Abstract: Zumba dance is one of the most popular aerobic sports in Indonesia. The aim of this reasearch is, to determine the value of VO2 Max which owned by the mambers zumba dance in gymnastics (SSK) community of Malang city 2017. This research uses quantitative descriptive approach, data collecting technique by using Queens College Step Test is a test to determine the value of maximal oxygen capacity (VO2 max) by doing up and down movement of the bench for 3 minutes and using the questionnaire as supporting information. The results of research, variable of age and sex dominant interrelatedne…

ABSTRAK: Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran teknik dasar bolabasket menggunakan media audio visual, yang nantinya akan menghasilkan sebuah produk baru berupa video. Diharapkan hasil dari pengembangan ini dapat digunakan sebagai bentuk pembelajaran teknik dasar bolabasket khususnya bagi SMP Negeri 4 Malang. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengacu pada model pengembangan dari Borg and Gall dan disederhanakan menjadi 7 langkah. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif dengan persentase.Model latihan ini dikembangkan melalui evalu…

Abstract: The pattern of attacks is one of the strategies that must be mastered by a team in a game of volleyball. This research belong to the kind of research and development (research and development) and conceptual research model. the results of the evaluation of exercise patterns in the game of volleyball attack is: 91,05% of the experts of the game of volleyball, 81% of the experts of the game of volleyball, 75% of media experts. The trial results from a small group obtained 89% against 6 athletes and the trial results fron a large groups obtained 88,06% against 30 athletes, so that produ…

AbstractThis research aims to look at the levels of leukocytes in karateathletes KONI Malang city. This research uses non-experimentaldesign, that is descriptive research with survey method. Thepopulation in this research amounted to 30 football athletes and bytaking samples of 9 athletes. Sampling using purposive sampling.Technique of collecting data using test instrument in the form of bloodsampling and examination of leukocytes level in labolatorium withhemacytometer. The results showed that the average level ofleukocytes is 8.078 cell/mm3. From those results indicate the levels ofleukocyte…

ABSTRACT: Flexibility is the ability of muscle tissue extend to the maximum until the scope ofthe full joint motion without any pain. Futsal sport in much-needed flexbility to avoid the risk ofinjury. But, the fleksibility of a person can be enchanced through stretching exercise. One ofstatic stretching is the stretching exercise. This research aims to know the influence of staticstretching exercise against the flexibility. This research uses the pre-post test method. Thesamples in this study are students sports science hobbyists futsal in the Faculty of SportsScience offering A 2014 with a to…

Abstract: Adolescent female want to have an ideal and attractive body shape. But often teenagers pay little attention to the factors that influence the ideal formation, such as eating patterns and physical activity that is not controlled. For example eating less than three times a day and lacking active physical activity. Adjusting diet and physical activity is done important to support the nutritional status of a person. Because the imbalance between nutrient intake and the number of nutritional adequacy will cause less or more nutritional problems, which will ultimately affect a person's bod…

Abstract: Sports is an activity that has an impact on improving health,physical, physiological, and psychological conditions. Sports are alsorelated to the heart and blood vessels, because the heart is a vital organthat supplies blood throughout the body. The purpose of this study was todetermine whether there was influence of moderate intensity circuit trainingand sexhaust intensity. The research design used was a Static GroupPretest-Posttest Design. The research subjects were 30 students of futsalextracurricular at SMKN 8 Malang, who were divided into groups ofmoderate circuit training train…

Abstract: Dribbling is an effort to kick the ball with a dashed ball position not far from the foot while running to achieve a certain goal in the game of football. To be able to have a good dribbling technique, a soccer player should often practice and pay attention to aspects of supporters in order to perform dribbling well. With the right dribbling and trained then a football player will be able to get past the opponent easily and to look for opportunities to give the ball bait to a friend appropriately. Just like in SSB Unibraw 82 Malang City. This study aims to determine whether there is …

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this researchis to reveal the influence of low and medium intensity aerobic towards the level of obese womens total cholesterol. This research used Matching Pretest-Posttes Comparison Group Design design with 2 groups, that is group of mild intensity aerobic exercise and moderate aerobic exercise groups. The research sample used is obese women who have IMT> 25,0 counted 20 people. The treatment is done with duration 50 minutes, 3 times a week for 8 weeks.The result of the two sample t-test paired sig 0.05 it indicates that there is a light intensity aerobic exercise in…

Abstract: This research is very useful to know the effect of physical activity to low density lipoprotein level on aging.  The survey research using cross sectional with mature age 60 till end as sample, men and women also as much as 10 person. Instrument used to know physical activity and low density lipoprotein level are: 1) Questioner GPPAQ, 2)Laboratorium test to know the low density lipoprotein level. This research going with the responden filled the questionaire and his blood taken for laboratorium test. Based the instrumen, 0% include inactive, 80% is moderate inactive, 20% is modera…

This study aims to find out how the intensity advertisement?s exposure influential on interest to purchase by students. This research uses quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis with support from Individual Difference Theory. Based on advertising exposure to buying interest then the theory used Individual Difference Theory. This theory assumes that differences among individuals are targeted by the mass media when they are buffeted so as to have a certain effect. The results of this study found that the intensity of exposure to shopee advertisements affected students' bu…

ABSTRAK Sejalan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelayanan yang berkualitas dariKelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji (KBIH) khususnya KBIH Annihayah Karawang, makasebagai pelayan publik yang mendapat kepercayaan dari masyarakat, KBIH Annihayahharus senantiasa mengacu pada kepuasan masyarakat yang merupakan tujuan pokokdalam pemberian pelayanan. Oleh karenanya perlu adanya analisis mengenai faktorfaktoryang mempengaruhi kulaitas pelayanan publik pada pegawai KBIH Annihayah.Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas pelayananhaji oleh Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji (KBIH) …

Efektivitas peningkatan usaha yang dilaakukan oleh Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM dalam bidang UMKM disesuaikan dengan Perturan Pemerintah pusat dan Visi Misi Kepala Daerah Kota Semarang yang tertuang dalam Rencana Strategis Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas peningkatan Ijin Usaha Melalui Online guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Kota Semarang. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan penelitian Kualitatif. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, penelitian ini berusaha untuk meng…

ABSTRAK Arah pembangunan bidang kesejahteraan sosial di Kabupaten Karawang mengacu pada pembangunan nasionalbidang kesejahteraan sosial yaitu pembangunan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya dan pembangunan seluruhmasyarakat Indonesia dengan kekhususan ciri sasaran garapan sesuai dengan lingkup cakupan pembangunanbidang kesejahteraan sosial. Adapun kekhususan ciri sasaran garapan pembangunan bidang kesejahteraan sosialadalah manusi yang tidak dapat melaksanakan fungsi sosialnya, termasuk dalam lingkup cakupan sasaran garapanini adalah penyandang cacat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalh untuk mengetahui …

The present study discusses the communication process conducted by the Provincial Government of West Java with the citizens of Ciletuh, Palabuhanratu in supporting the development undergone in the Geopark tourism area. The study uses qualitative method with descriptive approach. The theory consulted for the purpose of the study is that of Public Relation in six steps, namely: identifying the problem, determining the target, determining the public, planning the program, executing the program and evaluating the results. The findings indicate that the communication between the government and the …

Tak dapat dipungkiri Kabupaten Karawang adalah salah satu Kabupaten di Jawa Barat yang memiliki banyak potensi wisata, baik wisata alam maupun wisata sejarah, seperti GrandCanyon Ciomas, Gunung Sanggabuana, Makam Syech Quro dan potensi wisata lainnya. Untuk meningkatkan daya tarik para wisatawan ke Karawang, Pemerintah Kabupaten Karawang akan membangun objek wisata perkotaan, wisata kuliner, wisata tangan asli Karawang seperti Kabupaten Lain. Dalam mengembangkan pariwisata harus ada keterlibatan semua pihak baik dari pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan pariwisata. Tujuan pene…

Abstract The practice of rent seeking is a new cultural phenomenon of corruption in Indonesiasince implementation of government reform and regional autonomy. The culture is the caseamong the corruption of public officials and politicians collaborated with entepreuneurs andpeople who interested in the effort to get around the cracks of public policy for the benefit ofserving and enriching themselves. The practice of rent seeking can take place in various activities of government andpolitics from the sale of official promotion and recruitment, the budget of allocation forprogramme activities and…