
PronunciationItalian: [mauˈrittsjo]
MeaningDark-skinned, Moorish
Region of originItaly
Other names
Related namesMauricio, Spanish
Maurice, French
Maurits, Dutch
Maurycy, Polish
Μαυρίκιος (Mavrikios), Greek
Маврикий (Mavrikiy), Russian
Meurig, Welsh
Moritz, German
Morris, English
Muiris, Irish

Maurizio is an Italian masculine given name, derived from the Roman name Mauritius. Mauritius is a derivative of Maurus, meaning dark-skinned, Moorish.

List of people with the given name Maurizio

Art and music

Film, television, and media

Military and politics



List of people with the family name Maurizio

  • Adam Maurizio (1862–1941), Swiss botanist and food technologist.


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