D. C. S. Oosthuizen Memorial Lecture Lecture at Rhodes University, South Africa
The D. C. S. Oosthuizen Memorial Lecture at Rhodes University , dedicated to the memory of the philosopher D. C. S. Oosthuizen , was founded in 1970 and is held annually. The lectures are organised by the university's Academic Freedom Committee.
1970 Alan Paton , Inaugural lecture
1971 Jean Sinclair
1978 Frederik van Zyl Slabbert , Some reflections on academic freedom
1979 Geoff Budlender , The university and the new foreigners.
1980 G. R. Bozzoli, Change is Not Made Without Inconvenience
1982 Helen Joseph
1983 Nadine Gordimer , Living in the Interregnum
1984 Mark Orkin, Forced to be Free
1985 Allistair Sparks
1989 Jakes Gerwel
1990 Frederik van Zyl Slabbert
1991 Albie Sachs , Black is beautiful, brown is beautiful, white is beautiful: towards a rainbow culture in a united South Africa
1992 S. M. E. Bengu, The university and a free society
1993 Mahmood Mamdani , Universities in crisis : a reflection on the African experience
1994 Cheryl Carolus , Reconstruction and development is not a spectator sport: what is the role of our universities?
1995 Brenda Gourley
1996 Jairam Reddy, The university in contemporary society - the South African challenge
1997 Itumaleng Mosala
1998 Dennis Davis , The new nationalism: is there a future for South African universities?
1999 Mamphela Ramphele , The responsibility side of the academic freedom debate
2000 Malegapuru Makgoba , The university in a developing free society : challenges to autonomy and academic freedom
2001 Neville Alexander , Language Policy, Symbolic Power and the Democratic Responsibility of the Post-Apartheid University
2002 Jonathan D. Jansen, Is Race / Ethnicity Back?
2003 (No lecture was held)
2004 The lecture was replaced by a symposium, with the following speakers:
André du Toit, The Legacy of Daantjie Oosthuizen:Revisiting the Liberal Defence of Academic Freedom
Andrew Nash, Dialogue Alone: D. C. S. Oosthuizen’s Engagement with Three Philosophical Generations
Charles Villa Vincencio, Thinking Outside the Hut
Ian Macintosh, D. C. S. Oosthuizen's Legacy
2005 Naledi Pandor , African Universities and the Challenges of a Developmental State
2006 Chris Brink , Putting a price on academic ′freedom′ (This lecture was postponed and actually delivered in 2007)
2007 Ferial Haffajee
2008 Barney Pityana , On Academic Freedom
2009 Cheryl de la Rey , Academic Freedom – A Contested Good
2010 Mac Maharaj
2011 Blade Nzimande , The role of universities in a transformed post-school education and training system
2012 (No lecture was held)
2013 Silvia Federici , Academic Freedom and the Enclosure of Knowledge in the Global University
2014 Lis Lange, Thinking Academic Freedom
2015 Bruce Janz, "Free Space in the Academy"
2016 Eusebius McKaiser , Epistemic Injustices: The dark side of academic freedom
2017 Papama Nomboniso Gasa, Sexual and Gender Based Violence: Holding up a mirror to the South African society today
2018 Nomathamsanqa Tisani, Lost opportunities and pervading hope in South African Higher Education
http://dcsoosthuizen.blogspot.co.uk/ (a memorial site to D. C. S. Oosthuizen) has further links to a number of the lectures
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