Kuipers had a strong commitment to helping to preserve a record of threatened and endangered languages. As a 1998 article in The Economist put it, "Aert Kuipers ... went to Canada recently with the intention of locating and preserving American Indian languages. He came across dozens, some limited to a single valley, others spoken by only a few dozen people. He settled on one, learnt it and put together a dictionary and a primer. But by the time he had finished there was only one other speaker of the language left."[4] Kuipers responded to this in a letter that his arrival in Canada (nearly half a century earlier) was hardly "recently" and that The Economist may have conflated Squamish and Shuswap with regard to the "one speaker left" statement.[5]
As co-editor
1956: Bernard Geiger, Aert Kuipers, Tibor Halasi-Kun, and Karl H. Menges (eds.). The Caucasus (2 volumes). Human Relations Area File. New York: Columbia University, Language and Communication Research Center.
1959: Bernard Geiger, Aert H. Kuipers, Tibor Halasi-Kun, and Karl H. Menges (eds.). Peoples and Languages of the Caucasus: A synopsis. The Hague: Mouton & Co., 78pp. Accessed 30 July 2013. (This is a 17.3 MB PDF file which provides a brief index to the various Caucasian languages treated in detail in the 1956 work.)
1989: Aert H. Kuipers, Gabrielle Rainich (eds.). Russian-English Vocabulary with Grammatical Sketch. American Mathematical Society, 66pp. ISBN082180037X (This book is intended to help non-Russian-speakers to understand Russian-language mathematical texts.)
As author
1960: Phoneme and Morpheme in Kabardian (Eastern Adyghe). The Hague: Mouton & Co., 124pp.
1967: The Squamish Language: Grammar, Texts, Dictionary. The Hague: Mouton & Co., 407pp. (This work received a generally favourable review by Laurence C. Thompson in American Anthropologist, [71, 1969] pp. 138–139.)
1974: The Shuswap Language: Grammar, Texts, Dictionary. The Hague: Mouton & Co., 297pp.
1975: A classified English-Shuswap word-list. Peter de Ridder Press, 35pp. ISBN9031600830
1975: A Dictionary of Proto-Circassian Roots. John Benjamins Pub. Co., 93pp. ISBN0685533158
1976: Typologically Salient Features of Some North-West Caucasian Languages. Peter de Ridder Press, 29pp. ISBN9031601063
1989: A Report on Shuswap with a Squamish Lexical Appendix. Peeters, 250pp. ISBN9068311921