Pembicaraan Pengguna:CarboniADV


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--Pesan ini dikirim secara otomatis menggunakan bot. 4 Desember 2021 18.47 (UTC)

Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (PMP);dc?sf_format=xml CarboniADV (bicara) 26 November 2022 16.14 (UTC)Balas CarboniADV (bicara) 26 November 2022 16.17 (UTC)Balas

( Dragon Shiryū /gəˈnuː/

Character outline Out of the five main characters from Saint Seiya, Shiryū is the calmest and most collected. He greatly respects his master Libra Dohko, from whom he learned not only how to use his Cosmo to fight, but also fundamental wisdom for life. He trained at Lushan for six years under his tutelage, during which time he befriended the old master's protégé Shunrei.

In addition to possessing great physical strength, Shiryū owns one of the most durable Bronze Cloths. Having spent the last two and a half centuries under the mineral-rich waterfall of Lushan, it is harder than diamonds. It is also legendary for the shield on its left arm and its right gauntlet, endowed with powerful piercing capabilities, which have earned the Cloth its nickname as "the strongest fist and shield". In times of extreme need, the five main Bronze Saints are also allowed to temporarily wear Gold Cloths. In the Sanctuary arc, Shiryū used the weapons of the Libra Gold Cloth to free Cygnus Hyōga from Aquarius Camus's ice coffin. In the two battles against Poseidon and Thanatos, he wore the Libra Cloth.

Shiryū sports the image of a green and white dragon on his back which is connected to his guardian constellation and only appears as his Cosmo is rising. Whenever his life is in danger, the image begins to fade. Once it completely vanishes, it is a sign that Shiryū's Cosmo has reached zero and he is dead.

Abilities As a Saint, Shiryu has been trained in mind and body to learn how to use the power of the Cosmos within his own body and use it for super strength, speed, agility, durability and reflexes. The constellation he uses for extra power is that of The Draco constellation, aka Dragon and by channeling his cosmos into the Dragon constellation using the cloth armor it's based on' he's able to combine his cosmos with the constellation's cosmos to increase his own power which he can use for cosmic energy blasts, heal himself and sense other people with their own cosmos. After he and his fellow bronze saints obtained the blood of the gold saints to repair their cloths when they were damaged they acquired even more power and upgraded cloths in the process, same for god cloth after their cloths were blessed by Saori aka Athena herself using her own blood as well. CarboniADV (bicara) 15 Desember 2022 23.54 (UTC)Balas

Penghapusan cepat atas halaman Machine Angel Ritual

Halaman berjudul Machine Angel Ritual telah dihapus berdasarkan kebijakan penghapusan cepat Wikipedia, secara khusus dengan alasan:

U1: Tulisan ngawur, tiada makna, atau sukar dipahami

Menurut kriteria penghapusan cepat, halaman yang memenuhi beberapa ketentuan dapat dihapus kapan saja dan tanpa peringatan.

Harap tidak menulis ulang artikel tersebut dengan konten yang sama, tanpa menyelesaikan masalah yang menjadi dasar penghapusan. Namun demikian, jangan ragu untuk menambahkan informasi yang sesuai dengan kebijakan dan pedoman Wikipedia. Jika Anda berpikir halaman ini tidak sepatutnya dihapus atas dasar ini, atau Anda ingin mendapatkan kembali tulisan yang sudah dihapus unutuk referensi dan pengembangan, maka Anda dapat menghubungi pengurus yang melakukan tindakan penghapusan, atau jika perbaikan sudah dilakukan maka permohonan dapat diajukan pada halaman ini. - Colek saya: Arya 88 (kirim pesan di sini) 21 Desember 2022 18.13 (UTC)Balas

@Arya 88 Lakukan tindakan bersuara bebas anti spam !! CarboniADV (bicara) 22 Desember 2022 07.15 (UTC)Balas