Kebun Elmendorf adalah sebuah peternakan kuda Kentucky di Fayette County, Kentucky, yang terlibat dalam balap kuda sejak abad ke-19. Sempat disebut Kebun Elkhorn Utara, beberapa pemilik dan pengurus menduduki wilayah tersebut, bahkan saat Perang Saudara Amerika. Sebagian besar lahan tersebut dijual atau disewakan kepada para pemilik kebun tetangga.
- "The History of Thoroughbred Racing in America" by William H.P. Roberton, Bonanza Books, New York, 1964
- James Ben Ali Haggin biography
- Elmendorf Farm
- Normandy Farm
- Lexington History Museum Collection of photographs of Elmendorf Farm in the era of J.B.A. Haggin Diarsipkan 2008-05-11 di Wayback Machine.
- "Bluegrass Houses and Their Traditions" by Elizabeth Murphey Simpson, Transylvania Press, Lexington, Ky. 1932
- "The Bluegrass Horse Country" by Joe Jordon, Transylvania Press, Lexington, KY 1940
- Hughes land transactions from family records – a complete handwritten record of all of the Hughes land transactions, 1794–1903, with buyer, seller, date, acreage, deed book numbers and pages.
- William T Hughes Murder recorded in a Nicholasville, KY newspaper of the day.
- Kentuckiana Digital Library "Elmendorf Farm Photographic Collection, ca. 1900"
38°06′52″N 84°24′31″W / 38.114469°N 84.408576°W / 38.114469; -84.408576